We invite you to contribute to the AroVideo community by reviewing films that you have seen.
To review films you must have opened a (free) My-Aro account.
You can rate a film using our handy five-star rating scale:
It's not an exact science, but choose the star-rating that best matches your opinion - irony has its place, but not really here.
Your mini-review can be up to 255 characters in length - an average paragraph to support your star-rating.
It goes without saying that we expect that your review will be of a good standard. To help others understand your perspective and preferences, find something specific about the film that you liked (or disliked).
There are a few rules around posting mini-reviews, that we've called The Five Commandments:
We reserve the right to edit or delete any user content on the site (although we're sure we'll hardly ever need to).
In addition to a star-rating, you can agree/disagree with other member reviews by clicking the 'Like' (thumbs up) or 'Dislike' (thumbs down) icons next to each review.
To see a list of all the films that you have reviewed, go to 'My Film Reviews'.
(You'll find a link at the top right of all pages.)
Other users can read your reviews by clicking your Alias when it appears next to one of your reviews. Other members can match their tastes to yours, and you can recommended films to your friends by sending them a link to your My Film Reviews page.
Use the 'Like' button at the bottom of each film page to easily add your favourite films to your Facebook page.
The AroVideo site contains in-house reviews (known as 'Aroview') for thousands of films. We also tag select films with our in-house seal of approval as "Aro Favourite" or "Recommended".
The Aro-rating is complimentary to the star-ratings contributed by you and other members.
Find out more.