Dollhouse (TV Series)
Aroview: Joss Whedon's short-lived sci-fi series set in a futuristic laboratory that assigns different tasks to its various residents, who then have their memories erased upon the completion of their assignments.
Member Reviews
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
2 stars (Good Try) Season 1 - flat as a pancake and the characters aren't interesting enough. ~Tubbs
4 stars (Very Good) Possibly not Whedon's finest, but absorbing, thought-provoking and improves greatly in season 2. Excellent cast, with the prodigiously versatile Gjokaj a standout. ~HiFi
DVD Features
- audio commentary
- deleted scenes
- 'making of' documentary / featurette
- aspect ratio: 1.78:1
- 4-disc set
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