Synopsis: Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara star in this spellbinding adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's groundbreaking romantic novel. Set in 1950's New York it follows an aspiring photographer who develops an intimate relationship with an older woman trapped in a loveless marriage.
“A complex human story about unspoken desire, social expectations and an authentic life.”~Liz Braun, Toronto Sun
Member Reviews
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
5 stars (Exceptional) I've always found Haynes' films visually ravishing but not emotionally compelling. This breaks the mould. It's excellent in every respect. Oh, and for the stunning photography, Edward Lachman, A.S.C. deserves a place in the pantheon. ~HiFi
2 stars (Good Try) Cate belongs in the 1950's. The wardrobe and set designs are very good but I don't know why it took so long to tell the story. ~Tubbs
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