Houdini and Doyle (TV Mini-series)
Synopsis: TV series inspired by the real-life friendship between illusionist Harry Houdini and the famed author of Sherlock Holmes. The two team up to investigate crime in turn-of-the-century London, with the series contrasting their personalities ala Mulder and Scully: Houdini the atheist and skeptic, and Arthur Conan Doyle who sympathises with all things paranormal and supernatural.
Aroview: CONTRABAND TITLE. Not legally available for sale, rent or trade in New Zealand unless submitted for approval to the NZ Office of Film & Literature Classification Office at a cost of $275 - $1100 per disc. This is a mandatory requirement under the FVPC Act 1993 for titles that have been classified as ‘15’ in the UK, or MA15+ in Australia.
AroVideo is making a final plea to Government to amend a regulation that may result in the availability of hundreds of fine quality TV shows and feature films...
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