Aroview: Auteur David Cronenberg's latest vision is an anti-fable about accident victims James Spader and Holly Hunter, who become sexually obsessed with car crashes; undoubtably controversial, it's his bravest, most extreme film yet.
Recommended to more than just the courageous though, with sleek, metallic imagery exuding a unique erotic tension, its as mindful and disturbing a 'horror' film as we're likely to get. Based on the novel by J.G. Ballard.
NZ International Film Festival 1997
Member Reviews
Average rating
(Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 4 member reviews.
1 star (Turkey) A crash victim is caught up in a subculture of folk who get sexual pleasure from being in car crashes, seeing car crashes, caressing the scars of people who've been in crashes. Plain weird. When cars crash, people get killed. Nothing sexy in that. ~GenXGirl
3 stars (Good Enough) Based on an art exhibition that Ballard created in the 60’s. This is the story of who would attend that show. Amazing piece of transgressive art. Very challenging. Simple story. ~bikewrench
4 stars (Very Good) I remember the film's impact on release. A different kind of screenplay with the right cast to do the job. Great work by a busy makeup team left many a scar. ~Tubbs
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DVD Features
- deleted scenes
- English subtitles for the hearing impaired
- 'making of' documentary / featurette
- trailers
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