International Search
To find a film by Title (Film), Director, Actor
or Synopsis
- Type a word or words into the text field
- Choose the search type: Film (title), Director, Actor or Synopsis
- Choose to Show 'All Films', 'Rental' or 'Sales' items (you can also
limit your search to DVD or VHS)
- Click [Search]
To find Films by (audio) Language
- Choose a Language from the ‘Browse by Language’ menu
- Choose to Show ‘All Films’, ‘Rental’ or ‘Sales’ items (you can also
limit your search to DVD or VHS)
- Click [Go] (to the right of the language menu)
When other than English, the languages spoken in a film are listed
in the film credits at the top of the film page.
To find Films by Country (of production)
- Choose a Country from the ‘Browse by Country’ menu
- Choose to Show ‘All Films’, ‘Rental’ or ‘Sales’ items (you can also
limit your search to DVD or VHS)
- Click [Go] (to the right of the country menu)
A list of films by country can also be generated by following the country link from the top of each film page.