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Subgenre Sampler

Shocking San Francisco / Weirdo New York
Dir. Charles Gatewood
Two galleries in which Gatewood's low–tech perv–cam sniffs out dubious delights from both capitals of kink. SEE a mistress of…
This Is Horror I & II
Feat. George Romero, Clive Barker, Dario Argento
Two informative and entertaining documentaries that celebrate the best of modern horror. Contains many excerpts from films (some unavailable) with…
Ufos Are Real!Ufos Are Real!
Close encounters of all kinds and conspiracy cover–ups are revealed in this tabloid–style doco which is determined to have you believe!…
Dir. Annie Goldson
Annie Goldson's complex film that examines 'NZ as the promised land for immigrants'. From the Education and Resource series.

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