Subgenre Sampler
Comedy > Television: 814 Films to Buy & Rent
Welcome Back, Kotter (TV Series) (1975)
- Feat. Gabe Kaplan, John Travolta
- This classic American sitcom still holds up in its rowdy but progressive view of high school delinquency and remedial education. A young John…
Best of Les Dawson, The (1974-1977)
- Feat. Les Dawson
- Genial comedian Dawson was all over British (and NZ) television in the 1970s, using his array of comic and musical talents in shows like "Blankety…
Fred Dagg - All Purpose (1974-2006)
- Feat. John Clarke
- Fred Dagg finally makes it to DVD in this “Authorised Daggography” from legendary Kiwi comic (and now honorary Australian) John Clarke, collating…
Good Times (TV Series) (1974)
- Immensely popular 70s sitcom focusing on a poor but proud family in the Chicago projects that tackled topical, often controversial issues from a…
Happy Days (TV Series) (1974)
- Feat. Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley…
- Rockin’ and rollin’ time capsule nostalgia recaptures the simple, all–American life of the Cunninghams in the jukebox fifties, and their…
It Ain't Half Hot Mum (TV Series) (1974)
- Feat. Windsor Davies
- The riotous misadventures of a concert party touring the hot and steamy jungles of Burma entertaining troops during World War II. With a typically…
Romance With a Double Bass (1974)
- Dir. Robert Young
Feat. John Cleese, Connie Booth, Graham Crowden
- Real–life couple John Cleese and Connie Booth are at their best in this charming comic romance based on the short story by Anton Chekov.…
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club (1974)
- Feat. Colin Crompton, Bernard Manning
- British variety show set in a fictional working men's club in the North of England, involving comedy sing–a–longs and audience…
Father, Dear Father: The Movie (1973)
- Dir. William G Stewart
Feat. Patrick Cargill, Joyce Carey
- Spin–off movie version of the British sitcom of the same name is decidedly un–cinematic but worth a look for fans of the series.
Last of the Summer Wine (TV Series) (1973-2003)
- Feat. Bill Owen, Michael Bates, Peter Sallis
- The longest–running sitcom of all time concerns the incorrigible gallivanting of three senior citizens in the English countryside. A comic…