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Subgenre Sampler

Welcome Back, Kotter (TV Series)Welcome Back, Kotter (TV Series) (1975)
Feat. Gabe Kaplan, John Travolta
This classic American sitcom still holds up in its rowdy but progressive view of high school delinquency and remedial education. A young John…
Best of Les Dawson, TheBest of Les Dawson, The (1974-1977)
Feat. Les Dawson
Genial comedian Dawson was all over British (and NZ) television in the 1970s, using his array of comic and musical talents in shows like "Blankety…
Fred Dagg - All PurposeFred Dagg - All Purpose (1974-2006) Aro Favourite
Feat. John Clarke
Fred Dagg finally makes it to DVD in this “Authorised Daggography” from legendary Kiwi comic (and now honorary Australian) John Clarke, collating…
Good Times (TV Series)Good Times (TV Series) (1974) Recommended
Immensely popular 70s sitcom focusing on a poor but proud family in the Chicago projects that tackled topical, often controversial issues from a…
Happy Days (TV Series)Happy Days (TV Series) (1974) Aro Favourite
Feat. Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley
Rockin’ and rollin’ time capsule nostalgia recaptures the simple, all–American life of the Cunninghams in the jukebox fifties, and their…
It Ain't Half Hot Mum (TV Series)It Ain't Half Hot Mum (TV Series) (1974)
Feat. Windsor Davies
The riotous misadventures of a concert party touring the hot and steamy jungles of Burma entertaining troops during World War II. With a typically…
Romance With a Double BassRomance With a Double Bass (1974)
Dir. Robert Young
Feat. John Cleese, Connie Booth, Graham Crowden
Real–life couple John Cleese and Connie Booth are at their best in this charming comic romance based on the short story by Anton Chekov.…
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social ClubWheeltappers and Shunters Social Club (1974)
Feat. Colin Crompton, Bernard Manning
British variety show set in a fictional working men's club in the North of England, involving comedy sing–a–longs and audience…
Father, Dear Father: The MovieFather, Dear Father: The Movie (1973)
Dir. William G Stewart
Feat. Patrick Cargill, Joyce Carey
Spin–off movie version of the British sitcom of the same name is decidedly un–cinematic but worth a look for fans of the series.
Last of the Summer Wine (TV Series)Last of the Summer Wine (TV Series) (1973-2003)
Feat. Bill Owen, Michael Bates, Peter Sallis
The longest–running sitcom of all time concerns the incorrigible gallivanting of three senior citizens in the English countryside. A comic…

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