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Subgenre Sampler

Caesar and CleopatraCaesar and Cleopatra (1945)
Dir. Gabriel Pascal
Feat. Vivien Leigh, Stewart Granger, Claude Rains
The oft–told tale of the First Roman Emperor and the Queen of Egpyt, here adapted from George Bernard Shaw's play. Stagey filming is offset by…
Clock, TheClock, The (1945)
Dir. Vincente Minnelli
Feat. Judy Garland, Robert Walker, James Gleason
Judy Garland's first dramatic role (in which she did not sing) reunites her with director (and future husband) Vincente Minnelli from MEET ME IN ST.…
Diary of a ChambermaidDiary of a Chambermaid (1945)
Dir. Jean Renoir
Feat. Paulette Goddard
Chambermaid Paulette Goddard upsets an aristocratic household brimming with secrets and intrigues. One of Renoir's early Hollywood pictures.
I'll Be Seeing YouI'll Be Seeing You (1945)
Dir. William Dieterle
Feat. Ginger Rogers, Joseph Cotton, Shirley Temple
Ginger Rogers picks up a rare dramatic role in this sincere, if at times clunky melodrama, playing a convict on Christmas leave who falls in love…
Les Dames Du Bois De BoulogneLes Dames Du Bois De Boulogne (1945)
Dir. Robert Bresson
Feat. Maria Casares
Dir. Bresson and writer Jean Cocteau are strange bedfellows in this lush, stylish drama, well–removed from the director’s austere later…
Les Enfants Du ParadisLes Enfants Du Paradis (Children of Paradise) (1945) Aro Favourite
Dir. Marcel Carne
Feat. Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur
This resplendent evocation of nineteeth century Paris street theatre follows the love of mime Jean–Louis Barrault for the highly–strung…
Lost Weekend, TheLost Weekend, The (1945) Recommended
Dir. Billy Wilder
Feat. Ray Milland, Jane Wyman, Howard da Silva
Would–be novelist Ray Milland's personal frustrations bring on a three day drinking binge of desperate, terrifying proportions. Laced with a…
Rome: Open CityRome: Open City (1945) Recommended
Dir. Roberto Rossellini
Feat. Anna Magnani, Aldo Fabrizi
Neo–realist war drama about resistance fighters in fascist Italy places the action right inside the everyday and humanises the heroic.…
Seventh Veil, TheSeventh Veil, The (1945) Recommended
Dir. Compton Bennett
Feat. James Mason, Ann Todd
Renowned film serves up psychiatry in bite sized chunks as a concert pianist is cured of her complexes by a shrink intent on fixing her up with the…
Song to Remember, ASong to Remember, A (1945)
Dir. Charles Vidor
Feat. Paul Muni, Merle Oberon, Cornel Wilde
Biopic on the life of Polish pianist and composer Frederic Chopin, taking a few liberties here and there to follow the child prodigy through his…

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