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Subgenre Sampler

Spy Kids 3-DSpy Kids 3-D (Game Over) (2003)
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Feat. Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Ricardo Montalban
Another installment in the successful SPY KIDS franchise, adding the gimmick of '3–D' to the family action format. This time round, the…
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (TV Series)Star Wars - The Clone Wars (TV Series) (2003)
Animated Star Wars 'micro' series set between EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES and EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH, detailing the grand–scale…
Stitch! - The MovieStitch! - The Movie (2003)
Dir. Robert Gannaway, Tony Craig
Feat. Daveigh Chase, Chris Sanders
Sequel to LILO AND STITCH continues the travails of the animated friends in Hawaii, with a more cryptic array of intergalactic sideplots than in the…
Teen Titans (TV Series)Teen Titans (TV Series) (2003-2006)
Well–executed if overly violent adaptation of the DC Comics 'teen' series in which younger superheroes gang together for a spot of…
Three Musketeers, TheThree Musketeers, The (Mickey, Donald and Goofy) (2003)
Dir. Donovan Cook
A rousing, if overfamiliar, version of Dumas' 'Three Musketeers' in which Disney's finest help save the kingdom of Princess Minni from the dastardly…
Tractor Tom (TV Series)Tractor Tom (TV Series) (2003) Recommended
Feat. James Nesbitt
Vroom vroom! Animated adventures with Tom the anthropomorphic tractor and his buddies who get themselves into all sorts of scrapes.
Triplets of Belleville, TheTriplets of Belleville, The (Belleville Rendezvous) (2003) Aro Favourite
Dir. Sylvain Chomet
Witty, inventive and lovingly designed with retro–chic flair, this 'all–ages' animated feature is distinctively and delightfully…
Tutenstein (TV Series)Tutenstein (TV Series) (2003)
Quirksome kids animation which begins when the Egyptian mummy of a 10–year old pharoah is struck by lightning in a museum and 'Tut' comes back…
Way Things Work, TheWay Things Work, The (2003)
Set on the fantastical Mammoth Island, this animated series seeks to dramatise the great, groundbreaking inventions of history. Guided by The…
Whale RiderWhale Rider (2003) Aro Favourite
Dir. Niki Caro
Feat. Keisha Castle-Hughes, Rawiri Paratene, Vicky Haughton
A stirring, widely–acclaimed adaptation of Witi Ihimaera’s novel about a young girl’s struggle to win the approval of her patriarchal…

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