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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
USA 2002, 101 minutes
Dir. Paul Anderson
Rating: [R16]
Genres: Science Fiction, Horror, Action/Adventure / Walking Dead
Feat. Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez
Aroview: Lifted from the Playstation computer-game, this action-horror concerns an off-limits scientific installation which has become infected with the deadly T-virus.
Now swarming with hundreds of violent, infectious and near-invulnerable zombies a military team must investigate and disable the controlling mainframe computer. Michelle Rodriguez is part of the elite commando team, who are rapidly killed off; Milla Jovovich tags along as amnesiac assassin. Unless the evil is stemmed in three hours, using their wits and ass-kicking gunnery, all hell might break loose...
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) The best resident evil to make it to the big screen, this is sleek and mostly visually interesting, bringing many elements from the groundbreaking videogame, although ultimately failing to live up to the greatness of the source. ~Tom H
2 stars (Good Try) The sci-fi element (the intelligent aspect) is swamped by the action, walking dead but above all the noise. ~Tubbs
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