Hellsing (TV Series)
Aroview: Adapated from his own manga comicbook by Kouta Hirano, this concerns the battle of survival of the Hellsing Organisation, a shadowy group which looks to defend humanity from vampires, zombies and other monstrosities.
Led by the sarcastic Alucard ('Dracula' spelt backwards), himself a blood-sucker who has got his urges (almost) under control, this pitches full-tilt into a twisting storyline somewhat at the expense of the expected gore. Still, the animation is crisp and stylish, while there is plenty of nuance and detail to savour in this Japanese version of the genre.
13 episodes over 4 discs.
DVD Features
- cast and/or crew interviews
- music clips
- aspect ratio: 4:3
- 4-disc set
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