Bitter Moon
Aroview: Erotic weirdness unfolds aboard an ocean liner as wheel-chaired creep Peter Coyote foists an unsavoury personal tale upon innocent Hugh Grant. The absurdity never lets up, but it's a thoroughly compelling yarn.
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(Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 4 member reviews.
4 stars (Very Good) Wheelchair bound Oscar recounts his disturbing tale of passion with the beautiful Mimi,that left him a cripple, to a complete stranger on a cruise-ship. An extreme love thriller. The tagline sums it up perfectly: "Some lovers never know when to stop". ~GenXGirl
4 stars (Very Good) Irresistibly perverse and brilliantly sustained, with great work from Coyote. A must-see. ~HiFi
2 stars (Good Try) ~Wyatt Earp
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