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Aro Favourite Fantastic Mr. Fox


USA 2009, 87 minutes
Dir. Wes Anderson
Rating: [PG]
Genres: Family / Animation, Animal Amok

Topics: Animal Antics, Stop-motion.


Aroview: Wes Anderson’s quirky, buttoned-up sensibility is a fantastic match for Roald Dahl’s classic tale about a sly, debonair fox (George Clooney, appropriately) whose penchant for poaching sees his woodland community bear the brunt of the local farmers’ retaliation.

In a perfect marriage of dir. Anderson’s own formal preciousness and the rigors of stop-motion, this wondrous adaptation is a lively, fizzy-headed concoction that miraculously loses none of Dahl’s darkness, and yet remains one of the sweetest portrayals of fatherhood and family spirit ever made for children. A tailor-made project for the maker of such modern-day fables as THE LIFE AQUATIC and THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS, the film is further enlivened by canny voice casting and some stunning, pint-sized art direction which, when combined with the exquisite animation of Mr. Fox and friends, is a real treat for young and old.

Adopt-a-Movie Kindly adopted by Clive Workman

Member Reviews

Average rating 3 stars. (Good Enough) (Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 5 member reviews.

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DVD Features

  • cast and/or crew interviews
  • 'making of' documentary / featurette
  • aspect ratio: 16:9

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