Green Hornet, The
Synopsis: French auteur Michel Gondry directs this blockbuster spin-off of the classic crime fighting TV series about a scruffy millionaire (Rogen) and his martial arts assistant (Chou) who take on Los Angeles' criminal underworld.
Member Reviews
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(Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) Gondry swaps lo-fi quirk for hi-tech anonymity. Chou, Diaz-feisty; Waltz-wasted; Rogen's shambolic persona and delivery (he co-wrote)-overused. Amusing 'Big Trouble in Little China' spin on hero/sidekick dynamic, but overall a bit pointless. ~HiFi
2 stars (Good Try) Christoph Waltz's performance is the only real highlight - Rogen struggles to carry this film but the special effects help. ~Tubbs
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