Aroview: Jo Nesbo's blockbusting crime novel about a corporate headhunter moonlighting as an art thief gets an appropriately energetic treatment, and with its ironic sensibility nudged up a notch or two, comes off as a genuine hoot.
Fans of 'Scandi crime' might be a little take aback by the comparative briskness of the narrative and the schlocky violence, but others might welcome its respite from the grey hues of GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO et al.
Member Reviews
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(Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 4 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) Bloodsoaked comedy of errors. Just as you think things can't get worse for the protagonist---they do!. Busy, clever and unsubtle script. No lingering tripod shots. No intense ensemble dramas; just good clean fun!. ~Anon
2 stars (Good Try) The first third is very good but then the plot gets more and more unbelievable. It keeps moving however and does not get boring. ~Tubbs
4 stars (Very Good) ~Regando
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