Homeland - Season 1 (TV Series)
Aroview: Anchored by Claire Danes's riveting, high-tensile performance, this outstanding surveillance thriller centres on the return of an Iraq war hero to America who is suspected of Al-Qaeda connections by a lone female CIA operative.
Equally strong in the dramatic department, those put-off by the sensationalism of counter-terrorist cousin '24' will find much to savour in this brilliantly acted and scripted series of post-9/11 paranoia.
Season One: 12 episodes across four discs.
Member Reviews
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-3 of 4 member reviews.
5 stars (Exceptional) One of my favourite series in recent memory, Homeland is gripping A-grade TV drama with stunning performances and a solid script. The second season is almost as good as the first. ~Tom H
2 stars (Good Try) This story could have been completed in an hour and a half instead of being dragged out. ~Tubbs
5 stars (Exceptional) Complex, intelligent, thought-provoking TV drama of the highest order. Nearly lost me with too much Brody domestic drama, but came back gangbusters. I missed it first time 'round, but thank goodness for DVDs, huh? ~HiFi
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