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14 Films.

Until Proven InnocentUntil Proven Innocent (2009)
Credible homegrown teledrama tells the true story of the crusade to free David Dougherty, wrongly imprisoned for the rape and abduction of an…
DVD $25
White Ribbon, TheWhite Ribbon, The (Das weisse Band) (2009)
Michael Haneke’s intellectual rigour is paired with a mesmerising sociological drama in this award–winning exploration of the roots of…
DVD $30
Ans Westra - Private Journeys/Public SignpostsAns Westra - Private Journeys/Public Signposts (2006)
Photographer laureate Ans Westra takes to the other side of the camera in this insightful, contemplative retrospective of her photography, and…
DVD $39.95 $29.95
50 Ways of Saying Fabulous50 Ways of Saying Fabulous (2005)
Rural New Zealand forms a stylised background to this unusual rites–of–passage drama which combines whimsy, pathos and cruelty for a…
DVD $19.95 $14.95
River QueenRiver Queen (2005)
Both underrated and overblown, dir. Vincent Ward's (VIGIL) ambitious historical drama depicts the journey across heart, soul and land–scapes of…
DVD $30 $22.50
Kaikohe DemolitionKaikohe Demolition (2004)
A glimpse into the mirth, mayhem and pathos of provincial New Zealand, this concerns a group of unkempt Northland residents who relish their…
DVD $29.95 $22.45
Memories of TomorrowMemories of Tomorrow (2004)
An artful psychological thriller set around a man's (Thompson) frustrating amnesia of a past which seemingly involves commando training and…
DVD $29.95 $22.45
ChristmasChristmas (2003)
Structured around a grueling family Christmas in suburban New Zealand, this stark and uncompromising drama is one of the best low–budget…
DVD $29.95 $22.45
Blerta - The Return Trip...Blerta - The Return Trip... (Blerta Revisited) (2001)
Less a nostalgia 'trip' than a brilliant compendium of manic moments from New Zealand's 1970's travelling roadshow of anarchic performance –…
DVD $40
I'll Make You HappyI'll Make You Happy (1998)
A comical hotchpotch set among Auckland's K–Road denizens, featuring Jodie Rimmer as a peppy prositute who plots to rip–off pimp Michael…
DVD $29.95 $22.45

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