Sweet Country
Synopsis: An Australian western set on the Northern Territory frontier in the 1920s, where justice itself is put on trial when an aged Aboriginal farmhand shoots a white man in self defence and goes on the run as posse gathers to hunt him down.
“This is fiercely powerful storytelling, simple and muscular in one way, but also conveying nuance and sophistication in its depiction of character. ”~Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
Aroview: A sparse and beautifully shot film from the director of SAMSON AND DELILAH, telling a profound morality tale of almost biblical proportions, and putting a new, racially charged and uniquely Australian spin on a classic Western tale.
Member Reviews
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) Its best is after the fugitive on the run bit is over. The subsequent court scene is extremely well handled - its script, performances, and props. Needless to say, the location shooting is beautiful. ~Tubbs
4 stars (Very Good) ~Regando
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