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New Zealand 2004, 107 minutes
Dir. Larry Parr
Rating: [R]
Genres: Drama, Suspense/Crime


Aroview: An impressively staged adaptation of Maurice Gee's novel "Crime Story", set around two equally fractured families who enter each other's orbit after a bungled burglary.

Centring mainly around the crises of a real estate developer (John Noble) and a solo mother on the run (Kate Elliot), this manages to convey its half-dozen plotlines with convincing urban detail and brief flashes of violence, while never tipping into melodrama. Though this could be accused of trying to pack in perhaps too many characters, solid performances (especially from Elliot, Noble and Ward-Lealand) pull the story through.

Shot in our own city of Wellington, with an eye for its changing meteorological moods.

Member Reviews

Average rating 4 stars. (Very Good) (Very Good). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.

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