Michael York
Accident (1967)
- Dir. Joseph Losey
Feat. Dirk Bogarde, Vivien Merchant, Michael York
- The second classic Joseph Losey / Harold Pinter collaboration takes place in a deceptively placid Oxford University setting, that conceals…
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
- Dir. Franco Zeffirelli
Feat. Olivia Hussey, Leonard Whiting, Milo O'Shea…
- Definitive screen version has the lovelorn couple played by teenagers, the costume designer working overtime and a youthful, fashionable feel to it.…
Cabaret (1972)
- Dir. Bob Fosse
Feat. Liza Minnelli, Michael York
- Scintillating musical with Liza Minnelli as the American showgirl caught up in the phony glitter of pre–war Berlin. Eight–time Oscar…
Three Musketeers, The (1973)
- Dir. Richard Lester
Feat. Oliver Reed, Michael York, Richard Chamberlain…
- Splendidly cheeky version of Alexandre Dumas' enduring classic with dashing gents clearly enjoying the romp. It's Raquel Welch, however, who's the…
Four Musketeers, The (1973)
- Dir. Richard Lester
Feat. Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Richard Chamberlain…
- Similarly irreverant follow–up to dir. Lester's THREE MUSKETEERS with the same cast continuing in the swashbuckling vein. Excellent cast with a…
Conduct Unbecoming (1975)
- Dir. Michael Anderson
Feat. Michael York, Richard Attenborough, Trevor Howard
- Well–made, though somewhat old–fashioned version of Barry England's play about misbehaviour among the British Army in India. The stars…
Logan's Run (1976)
- Dir. Michael Anderson
Feat. Michael York, Jenny Agutter
- Enjoyable escapism set in an idyllic 23rd Century society where no–one is allowed to live beyond 30! Lurex clad twenty–somethings Michael…
Jesus of Nazareth (Mini Series) (1977)
- Dir. Franco Zeffirelli
Feat. Robert Powell, Laurence Olivier, Anne Bancroft…
- Touched by the hand of Franco Zeffirelli and a who's–who of famous thesps, this is the most respectfully detailed and complete retelling of the…
Island of Dr Moreau, The (1977)
- Dir. Don Taylor
Feat. Burt Lancaster, Michael York
- Burt Lancaster plays mad scientist Moreau in the second adaptation of H.G Wells chilling novel. Benefits greatly from the make up talents of the team…
Last Remake of Beau Geste, The (1977)
- Dir. Marty Feldman
Feat. Marty Feldman, Michael York, Ann-Margret…
- Marty Feldman directs and co–writes this star–studded satire loosely based on the novel Beau Geste, a frequently–filmed story of…