Joseph Cotten
Citizen Kane (1941)
- Dir. Orson Welles
Feat. Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorehead
- Orson Welles ground–breaking work chronicles a publishing tycoon's rise to power, told through a reporter's efforts to discover the meaning of…
Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942)
- Dir. Orson Welles
Feat. Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorehead, Dolores Costello
- Following up CITIZEN KANE, Orson Welles again drew a bead on the American rich, chronicling the dynastic squabbles of a…
Journey into Fear (1942)
- Dir. Norman Foster
Feat. Joseph Cotten, Dolores Del Rio, Orson Welles…
- Hitchcockian suspenser set around an American engineer's adventures in WW2 Turkey.
Loaded down with a maze–like plot (written by star Joseph…
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
- Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Feat. Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten
- Teenager Teresa Wright is thrilled when relative Joseph Cotten comes to stay, then less so, gradually realising Uncle Charlie may be a psychopathic…
Gaslight (1944)
- Dir. George Cukor
Feat. Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, Joseph Cotten
- Menacing, atmospheric psycho–thriller in which Ingrid Bergman marries suave romantic Charles Boyer, unaware of his murderous obsession to find…
Duel in the Sun (1946)
- Dir. King Vidor
Feat. Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten…
- Brothers Gregory Peck and James Cotton feud over the family ranch and legacy. Lauded by the likes of Martin Scorsese for its visual splendour, this…
Farmer's Daughter, The (1947)
- Dir. H.C. Potter
Feat. Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten, Ethel Barrymore…
- Congressman Joseph Cotton's maid, Loretta Young, decides to run against him in the next election. A perceptive comedy that won an Oscar for Young.
Third Man, The (1949)
- Dir. Carol Reed
Feat. Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Trevor Howard
- Superb romantic thriller about a writer in post–war Vienna whose old friend fails to meet him – under mysterious circumstances. Justly…
Under Capricorn (1949)
- Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Feat. Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Michael Wilding…
- An alcoholic woman (Bergman) is torn between her roguish husband and the governor of NSW in this Hitchcock oddity, a romantic melodrama set in…
Niagara (1952)
- Dir. Henry Hathaway
Feat. Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotten, Jean Peters…
- This bold film provided Marilyn with her first big part, and it's possibly her best. She's a scheming, faithless wife who plots to murder her husband…