Bette Davis
Of Human Bondage (1934)
- Dir. John Cromwell
Feat. Bette Davis, Leslie Howard
- The film which propelled Bette Davis to stardom, with her vivid personification of a coy, but slutty Cockney waitress who becomes the object of…
Petrified Forest, The (1935)
- Dir. Archie Mayo
Feat. Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Genevieve Tobin…
- Featuring probably Bogart's first classic role, this adaptation of the Robert Sherwood play is set in a remote diner in Arizona where a fugitive…
Dangerous + Hell's House (1935/32)
- Dir. Alfred Green, Howard Higgin
Feat. Bette Davis
- Bette Davis in two early roles – her lead performance as a star–turned–alcoholic in DANGEROUS fetching her the first of two Best…
Kid Galahad (1937)
- Dir. Michael Curtiz
Feat. Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart…
- A potent prize–fighting movie with room for some romantic asides and weighty egos.
Jezebel (1938)
- Dir. William Wyler
Feat. Bette Davis, Henry Fonda
- A classic, Oscar–winning role for Bette Davis, as a southern belle who defies the arch conventions of 19th century New Orleans high society…
Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The (1939)
- Dir. Michael Curtiz
Feat. Bette Davis, Errol Flynn
- Bette Davis is perfectly cast as Queen Liz, opposite Errol Flynn. An enjoyable romp.
Dark Victory (1939)
- Dir. Edmund Goulding
Feat. Bette Davis, George Brent, Humphrey Bogart…
- Sleekly upholstered melodrama, with Davis as a willful, party–going Long Island millionairess who discovers she is dying. Great performances…
Bette Davis Collection (Dark Victory; Mr Skeffington; The Letter; Now, Voyager) (1939-1944)
- Feat. Bette Davis
- Four early Bette Davis features including the alltime classic NOW, VOYAGER.
Letter, The (1940)
- Dir. William Wyler
Feat. Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, James Stephenson
- Although not quite of the first rank, this sultry melodrama counts as one of Bette Davis' most interesting 1940s works. Set among the frustrated…
Little Foxes, The (1941)
- Dir. William Wyler
Feat. Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall
- Masterful period drama adapted from a stageplay by one the great directors. Bette Davis is in brilliant form as Regina, the scheming matron…