Howard Hawks
Director, Actor
Scarface (1932)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, Karen Morley
- The most potent ganster flick of the '30s caused great controversy over its violent content when first released, still makes an impact today.…
Twentieth Century (1934)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. John Barrymore, Carole Lombard
- Cracking good comedy staged aboard a luxury express–train, where egomaniac theatre producer John Barrymore attempts to win back…
Barbary Coast (1935)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Miriam Hopkins, Joel McCrea, Edward G. Robinson…
- Set as far out west as a Western can go – San Fransisco, circa the 1850s gold–rush days. Miriam Hopkins and Joel McCrea are two…
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn
- Definitive screwball comedy, has paleatologist Cary Grant and tiger–owning Katharine Hepburn striking sparks.
Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Rita Hayworth
- Quintessential Hawks fare in which men are men and women have to be equally tough. At a South American outpost, mail pilot Cary Grant becomes…
His Girl Friday (1940)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy
- Fast and furious comic masterpiece with Cary Grant in superb form as a conniving newspaper editor whose ex–wife happens to be his star…
Sergeant York (1941)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Gary Cooper
- A wartime classic about a real–life pacifist turned WW1 hero. Gary Cooper won an Oscar for his vivid portrayal.
Air Force (1943)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. John Garfield
- Persuasive propaganda piece focusing on the crew of a B–17 bomber, quite thrilling in the hands of director Hawks.
Outlaw, The (1943)
- Dir. Howard Hughes, Howard Hawks
Feat. Jack Buetel, Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell…
- Off–beat retelling of the legend of Billy the Kid with Jane Russell's cleavage outraging the censors of the day. Now a tame curiosity.
To Have and Have Not (1944)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart
- In the upper–bracket of Bogart films, this first time match–up with Lauren Bacall still sets the screen alight. Adapted from the…