Subgenre Sampler
Sales > Family &g: 140 films to Buy
Transformers - The Movie (1986)
- Accompanying the mid–80s craze for ‘Transformer’ toys – robots which could transform into cars, planes etc. – was this animated…
- Blu-Ray $34.95
Chocky (TV Series) (1984)
- One of the best sci–fi TV serials of the 1980s is set around a schoolboy who begins to develop supernormal talents. It seems an alien force has…
$44.95 $20, $44.95
Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return of the Jedi (1983)
- Final installment in George Lucas' space–trilogy sees the conclusion of the galactic war between the Empire and the 'Rebel forces'.
$30 $22.50
Annie (1982)
- Rumbunctious Broadway musical, set in the Depression–era, follows the young moptop's orphanage experiences, and fateful encounter with…
$20 $15
Man from Snowy River , The (1981)
- Sterling entertainment in the old fashioned sense, this Western has both spectacle and a big–hearted story of a man who must prove himself to…
$24.95 $18.70
G.I. Samurai (Sengoku jieitai; Time Slip) (1979)
- A squadron of Japanese soldiers, together with their weaponry, helicopter and gunboat, are accidentally caught in a 'time slip' and transported back…
$19.95 $14.95
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)
- The last of Ray Harryhausen's 'Sinbad' series and probably the weakest as hero sails to break a spell that has turned a prince into a baboon. Some…
- DVD $39.95 | Blu-Ray $19.95, $49.95
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
- George Lucas' epic trilogy of space adventure begins "long ago and far far away", with the life of Luke Skywalker being disturbed by the galactic war…
$30 $22.50
What's New Mr. Magoo? (TV Series) (1977)
- The myopic animated star returns in this follow–up series. Jim Backus (Gilligan's Island) stars as the lovable near–sighted goof,…
- DVD $29.95
Wonder Woman, The New Adventures of (TV Series) (1977-1979)
- Charles Moulon’s 1940s comic strip updated to the feminist 70s, his superheroine fighting terrorist and subversive elements for undercover…
$30 $22.50