Subgenre Sampler
Sales > Documentary: 345 films to Buy
Good Hair (2009)
- Comedian Chris Rock explores cultural identity by way of black America's obsession with hair in this warm and witty social documentary.
$19.95 $14.95
His & Hers (His and Hers) (2009)
- A collection of straight–talking vignettes informs this sweet, affecting, often witty documentary in which Irish women of all ages talk about…
$29.95 $15
Hitler's Bodyguard (TV Series) (2009)
- 13–part documentary series offering a thorough, at times incredible, examination of the men who protected Adolf Hitler against numerous…
- DVD $44.95
James May's Toy Stories (TV Series) (2009)
- A trip down memory lane with a modern twist: James May, disarming as ever, rediscovers the seminal toys of his childhood, then proceeds to…
$20 $15
Land of the Long White Cloud (2009)
- Loveable loose sequel to Florian Habicht’s Kiwi classic KAIKOHE DEMOLITION finds the engaging filmmaker returning to Northland, where hundreds of…
$20 $15
Last Chance to See (TV Series) (2009)
- Scholar of wit, Stephen Fry, embarks on a round–the–world search for the rarest and most endangered animals on earth in honour of his…
- DVD $39.95 | Blu-Ray $49.95
Love The Beast (2009)
- Eric Bana directs and stars in this passion project tracing his ongoing love affair with his very first car – a Ford GT Falcon Coupe –…
$34.95 $19.95, $39.95
Magic of Audrey Hepburn, The (2009)
- An unauthorised sprinkling of the iconic movie star’s feminine charms, this all–too–brief documentary looks at Hepburn’s career…
- DVD $19.95, $29.95
Man In The Hat, The (2009)
- Sam Neill narrates this intimate portrait of veteran art dealer Peter McLeavey, commemorating his 40 years in the business of running an independent…
$19.95 $14.95
Paper Heart (2009)
- Cutesy indie combination of documentary and narrative as Charlyne Yi travels America interviewing couples about their relationships. Meanwhile,…
- Blu-Ray $34.95