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Subgenre Sampler

Blur - The Best ofBlur - The Best of (1990-1999)
Feat. Phil Daniels
Britpop heavyweight's first 22 video clips in chronological order.Where the music sometimes suffer, the videos more than compensate as in their…
Elton John - Very Best Of (1990)
Feat. Elton John
Comprehensive 20–song compilation charting Elton's image shift from 1970s high camp to 1990s lovable popular entertainer.
Graffiti BridgeGraffiti Bridge (1990)
Dir. Prince
Feat. Prince
Prince picks up the pen and director's cap as well as the mic and guitar for the belated sequel to his hit, PURPLE RAIN. The result is further proof…
Hunters and Collectors - Collected Works (1990)
Encyclopedic compilation of these long–lived Aussie post–punks, ranging from the weird early stuff to Throw Your Arms Around Me. 17 tracks
Morrissey - Hulmerist (1990)
Dir. Tim Broad
Seven videos from the immediate post Smiths period, including Last of the Famous International Playboys.
Nigel Kennedy - Vivaldi: The Four SeasonsNigel Kennedy - Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (1990)
Nigel Kennedy and the English Chamber Orchestra play their signature versino of Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons'.
Red, Hot and Blue (1990) Recommended
The cream of popular music talent perform 19 tunes from the repertoire of Cole Porter, in support of AIDS awareness. The songs are classic and…
Road to God Knows Where, The (1990) Recommended
Dir. Uli M. Schuppel
Feat. Nick Cave
A candid and thorough observation of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds on tour in Europe. Shot in black and white, and although in English it comes…
Three Tenors, TheThree Tenors, The (1990)
Feat. Luciano Pavarotti, Michael Carreras, Placido Domingo
Three of the greatest living voices assemble for one formidable concert appearance at the Terme di Caracalla in Rome. Arias include Nessum Dorma, O…
Wall, The - Roger WatersWall, The - Roger Waters (Live in Berlin) (1990)
Feat. Van Morrison, Cyndi Lauper, Ute Lemper
Uncannily timed just before the Berlin Wall would bite the dust, Roger Waters assembles luminaries as diverse as Van Morrison, Cyndi Lauper, Ute…

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