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Subgenre Sampler

PinocchioPinocchio (2012)
Dir. Enzo D'Alò
This brightly animated Italian adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s classic fairytale is a mildly eccentric take on the story of a wooden puppet who…
Pirates!, The - Band of MisfitsPirates!, The - Band of Misfits (2012) Recommended
Dir. Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt
Feat. Hugh Grant, Martin Freeman, Imelda Staunton
Aardman's latest claymation spectacle centres on a bumbling captain and his crew determined to pillage the most booty in pursuit of the coveted…
Rise of the GuardiansRise of the Guardians (2012) Recommended
Dir. Peter Ramsey
Feat. Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law
An imaginative spin on childhood mythology, this excellent animated fantasy casts Jack Frost, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, and…
Room on the BroomRoom on the Broom (2012)
Dir. Jan Lachauer, Max Lang
Feat. Simon Pegg, Gillian Anderson, Rob Brydon
An exquisite animated version of Julia Donaldson's popular illustrated story, about a kind–hearted witch who offers a ride to various animals…
Shrek's Thrilling TalesShrek's Thrilling Tales (2012)
A Halloween–themed three–episode compilation with two episodes set within the Shrek universe ("The Pig who cried Werewolf" and "The Ghost…
Sir BilliSir Billi (2012)
Dir. Sascha Hartmann
Feat. Sean Connery, Alan Cumming, Patrick Doyle
Sean Connery voices an aging, skateboarding veterinarian caught up in a chaotic land–sea adventure in this action packed animation set in the…
Snow Queen, TheSnow Queen, The (2012)
Dir. Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov
Russian–produced animation of Hans Christian Anderson's classic fairytale.
Standing UpStanding Up (Goat Island) (2012)
Dir. D. J. Caruso
Feat. Chandler Canterbury, Annalise Basso, Radha Mitchell
Uplifting and morally salient adventure story about a pair of shy 12 year old kids who find strength and confidence together after a cruel prank…
Tiki Tour (TV Series)Tiki Tour (TV Series) (2012)
Preschoolers are invited to climb on board the Tiki Tour bus to real life NZ locations while learning about maths, language, science, technology,…
Tinkerbell and the Secret of the WingsTinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings (2012)
Dir. Robert Gannaway, Peggy Holmes
Fourth feature in Disney's Tinker Bell franchise has Ms. Bell and Periwinkle learning the secret of their wings and trying to unite the warm fairies…

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