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Subgenre Sampler

Class ActionClass Action (1990)
Dir. Michael Apted
Feat. Gene Hackman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
A lawyer becomes forced to prosecute a case in which his estranged daughter will act for the defence. Courtroom ethics are violated in style by Gene…
Close-UpClose-Up (1990) Recommended
Dir. Abbas Kiarostami
Feat. Hossain Sabzian, Mohsen Makhmalbaf
A uniquely–devised work intermingling life and art, documentary and fiction, born of a real life incident in which an unemployed film buff is…
Reversal of FortuneReversal of Fortune (1990)
Dir. Barbet Schroeder
Feat. Jeremy Irons, Glenn Close, Ron Silver
In his best performance, Jeremy Irons won an Oscar for portraying Claus Von Bulow, a European émigré who was accused of trying to poison his wife…
A Dry White SeasonA Dry White Season (1989)
Dir. Euzhan Palcy
Feat. Donald Sutherland, Susan Sarandon, Marlon Brando
Enraged by the brutal, senseless murder of his black gardener’s son by a racist ‘special policeman’, a South African schoolteacher (Sutherland)…
Music BoxMusic Box (1989)
Dir. Costa-Gavras
Feat. Jessica Lange, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Frederic Forrest
Jessica Lange plays the attorney daughter of a Hungarian immigrant (Mueller–Stahl), now accused of WW2 war crimes. Her quest for the truth…
Accused, TheAccused, The (1988) Recommended
Dir. Jonathan Kaplan
Feat. Jodie Foster, Kelly McGillis
Jodie Foster won an Academy Award for her portrayal of a rape victim who suffered the additional ordeal of prosecuting her attackers in the face of…
Evil AngelsEvil Angels (A Cry in the Dark) (1988)
Dir. Fred Schepisi
Feat. Meryl Streep, Sam Neill
Jack–of–all–accents, Meryl Streep, does wonders as Lindy Chamberlain, the woman accused of murdering her child in the Australian…
Judgement in BerlinJudgement in Berlin (1988)
Dir. Leo Penn
Feat. Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, Sam Wanamaker
Stolid courtroom drama about the trial of an man who hijacked an airplane in order to flee East Germany for the West, Martin Sheen plays the American…
ShameShame (1988)
Dir. Steve Jodrell
Feat. Tony Barry, Deborra-Lee Furness
Stranded in an outback town, a female lawyer defends a young rape victim when her plight is met with nonchalance by the townsfolk.
Short Film About Killing, AShort Film About Killing, A (1988) Aro Favourite
Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski
Feat. Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Jan Tesarz
Feature–length version of Kieslowski's indelibly chilling Decalogue Pt.5 further protracts a cold–blooded murder and the subsequent…

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