Subgenre Sampler
Family: 1833 Films to Buy & Rent
Samurai Jack (2001)
- The first three episodes (as a 'pilot movie') of the animated TV series concerning a silent and angular warrior who defends a quasi–ancient…
Samurai Jack (TV Series) (2001)
- Cartoon Network's zen warrior in series mode, broadening the pilot's movie–length setup of a young samurai thrust into the future by evil…
Shrek (2001)
- Dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson
Feat. Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, John Lithgow…
- Flipping the rules of fairy–tales (and especially the Walt Disney incarnations) on their head, the ‘hero’ of this animation is in fact…
Simpsons, The - Season 13 (TV Series) (2001-2002)
- By the 21st century; the Simpsons had obtained such status that they could no longer pretend to be a band of outsiders. A–list celebrities and…
Snow White - The Fairest of Them All (2001)
- Dir. Caroline Thompson
Feat. Miranda Richardson, Kristin Kreuk, Vera Farmiga…
- When baby Snow's father frees a bewitched djinn, he is granted three wishes: nourishment for his child, a kingdom in which to raise her, and a queen…
Spy Kids (2001)
- Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Feat. Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Cheech Marin…
- Smashing kidult adventure, in which action dir. Rodriguez lends his action talents to a James Bond–type tale with a twist: Antonio Banderas and…
Station Jim (2001)
- Feat. George Cole, Charlie Creed-Miles, Laura Fraser
- Old–fashioned family frolic set in Victorian England that especially entertains through the wily antics of a Jack Russell terrier, and its…
Tom Thumb (Le Petit Poucet) (2001)
- Dir. Olivier Dahan
Feat. Nils Hugon, Catherine Deneuve, Said Taghmaoui
- Ambitious, enjoyably dark rendering of Perrault’s classic fable, "Le Petit Poucet" told with trademark French twistedness and aplomb, kids will…
102 Dalmatians (2000)
- Dir. Kevin Lima
Feat. Glenn Close, Gerard Depardieu
- 'Rehabilitated' dalmation–hater Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close) isn't long out of the clink before she's back to her old ways in this worthy…
10th Kingdom, The (Mini-series) (2000)
- Dir. David Carson, Herbert Wise
Feat. Kimberley Williams, Scott Cohen, John Larroquette…
- Elaborate, 7–hour fairy–tale extravaganza is engaging and imaginative family fare made under the 'Hallmark' television banner, and is…