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Subgenre Sampler

Samurai JackSamurai Jack (2001)
The first three episodes (as a 'pilot movie') of the animated TV series concerning a silent and angular warrior who defends a quasi–ancient…
Samurai Jack (TV Series)Samurai Jack (TV Series) (2001)
Cartoon Network's zen warrior in series mode, broadening the pilot's movie–length setup of a young samurai thrust into the future by evil…
ShrekShrek (2001) Recommended
Dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson
Feat. Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, John Lithgow
Flipping the rules of fairy–tales (and especially the Walt Disney incarnations) on their head, the ‘hero’ of this animation is in fact…
Simpsons, The - Season 13 (TV Series)Simpsons, The - Season 13 (TV Series) (2001-2002)
By the 21st century; the Simpsons had obtained such status that they could no longer pretend to be a band of outsiders. A–list celebrities and…
Snow White - The Fairest of Them AllSnow White - The Fairest of Them All (2001)
Dir. Caroline Thompson
Feat. Miranda Richardson, Kristin Kreuk, Vera Farmiga
When baby Snow's father frees a bewitched djinn, he is granted three wishes: nourishment for his child, a kingdom in which to raise her, and a queen…
Spy KidsSpy Kids (2001)
Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Feat. Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Cheech Marin
Smashing kidult adventure, in which action dir. Rodriguez lends his action talents to a James Bond–type tale with a twist: Antonio Banderas and…
Station JimStation Jim (2001)
Feat. George Cole, Charlie Creed-Miles, Laura Fraser
Old–fashioned family frolic set in Victorian England that especially entertains through the wily antics of a Jack Russell terrier, and its…
Tom ThumbTom Thumb (Le Petit Poucet) (2001) Recommended
Dir. Olivier Dahan
Feat. Nils Hugon, Catherine Deneuve, Said Taghmaoui
Ambitious, enjoyably dark rendering of Perrault’s classic fable, "Le Petit Poucet" told with trademark French twistedness and aplomb, kids will…
102 Dalmatians102 Dalmatians (2000)
Dir. Kevin Lima
Feat. Glenn Close, Gerard Depardieu
'Rehabilitated' dalmation–hater Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close) isn't long out of the clink before she's back to her old ways in this worthy…
10th Kingdom, The (Mini-series)10th Kingdom, The (Mini-series) (2000)
Dir. David Carson, Herbert Wise
Feat. Kimberley Williams, Scott Cohen, John Larroquette
Elaborate, 7–hour fairy–tale extravaganza is engaging and imaginative family fare made under the 'Hallmark' television banner, and is…

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