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*Anon*’s Film Reviews

103 Films have been rated or reviewed by *Anon*.

Big Short, TheBig Short, The (2015)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Based on, and maintains the irreverent tone of, the Micheal Lewis book. Unwraps the complexity of the various financial derivatives trading frauds without losing its sense of humour. Loosely based on actual events.Worth a look
Inherent ViceInherent Vice (2014)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Complex interleaving plot line . Could as easily have been made in 1973–––even the colour balance is there. Laconic sense of humour. Worth watching twice (you might need to if you want to understand the plot.). Another charmer.
Wrecking Crew, TheWrecking Crew, The (2008-2014)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) A dozen or so of those directly responsible for that big west coast sound of the 1960's are brought together again on video along with grainy old film clips and photographs. A real blast from the past. Nobody makes music this way any more. I loved it.
You've Been TrumpedYou've Been Trumped (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Released in 2012 so probably the best look at who Donald Trump really is. Not a pleasant sight. As Tubbs says–––a crime story.
SicarioSicario (2015)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) An old story. Win the battle and lose the war by becoming what you are fighting. All round technically a top quality production. Simple linear plot. Takes no prisoners. Look on it as a contemporary report from the front lines of the war on some drugs.
LeviathanLeviathan (2014)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) The little guy ruthlessly and remorselessly crushed by vested interests. Hobbes Leviathan is bleak. The book of Job is bleak. This movie is bleak. Bleak but beautiful.
Martian, TheMartian, The (2015)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Beautifully shot movie. Science mostly believable. How do those storms develop in such a thin and waterless atmosphere?. Script fleshes out characters in the book without losing original wit and intelligence. Better than average pot–boiler from Hollywood.
DVD $14.95
PrometheusPrometheus (2012)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Enjoyable film with plenty of edge–of–seat tension created mainly by unusually stupid ship's crew. Broader outlook than the first two Alien movies; but lacks their tight focus. Top quality audio and visual production–––and with lots of cliches to enjoy.
Force MajeureForce Majeure (Turist) (2014)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Minor incident on ski field collapses fragile security cocoon around protagonists and forces re–examination of self image and interpersonal relationships. It's all engagingly trivial, like those old British TV kitchen sink dramas from the 1960's.
Place Beyond the Pines, ThePlace Beyond the Pines, The (2012)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Some movies are obsessed with the trivial. This one goes right to the heart. Shakespearean in scope. Multi–generational story of crime and redemption. Astonishing. One of the best.
TranscendenceTranscendence (2014)
3 stars (Good Enough) Good photography and special effects. Interesting although not particularly original plot. some good acting. Tries for Christopher Nolan but lacks the visionary gleam. Still good enough to be well worth the time.
Ghost Writer, TheGhost Writer, The (2010)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) A political intrigue reminiscent of the original House of Cards series. Star studded cast, quality acting.The story is enough to give the cast plenty to do and better told than in the original book. Polanski has his fingerprints all over this one.
Pulp: a Film about Life, Death & SupermarketsPulp: a Film about Life, Death & Supermarkets (2014)
3 stars (Good Enough) As much about Sheffield as about the band. Quality doco., sets the music in context, Worth the time. That final concert is a blast.
Particle FeverParticle Fever (2013)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A "must view" for science nerds. Others will surely be impressed by the epic scale of the machinery and the sheer improbability of getting it all to work at once. Impressive documentary.
In Order of DisappearanceIn Order of Disappearance (2014)
3 stars (Good Enough) Body count increases steadily. Graphic violence. Bleak and sardonic sense of humour. Maybe it's something in the Nordic air?. Good solid production. Worth a look
Killer, TheKiller, The (1989)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Parody of every action film ever made. Droll sense of humour so bad that it's good. Brilliant cinematography. Alarmingly high body count.
A Most Wanted ManA Most Wanted Man (2014)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Based on the John Le Carre novel. Extended meditation on the difficulty of addressing terrorism in the modern world. Low key and thoughtful multilayered script assumes at least some intelligence on part of the viewer. Overall, a quality German production.
LockeLocke (2013)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) One man. A telephone. A car. 90 minutes. A life unravels in real time. Could have been done as a one man stage show but works so much better as a movie. A tour de force.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Signal, TheSignal, The (2014)
3 stars (Good Enough) Tries for Kubrick and Lynch but no. fails to gell as a movie. Has a sting in the tail but wanders around in the desert for far too long. An "A" pass as a film school graduation project. Maybe would have made a good Twilight Zone episode back in the day.
ManipulationManipulation (2011)
4 stars (Very Good) 1950's Switzerland. Political intrigue loosely based on historical events. Quality craftsmanship. Close woven character play well worth the time.
NebraskaNebraska (2013)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Low key black and white movie which could have been made 50 years ago. Faded dreams and an almost retrospective feel–– similar ambiance to The Last Picture Show.
Computer ChessComputer Chess (2013)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) A strange little number. Purports to be made in 1982 but has more of an air of the70's about it. I thought "what rubbish" but slowly warmed to it. If you want a chess film, watch Bobby Fischer Against the World or Black and White Like Day and Night.
Hannah ArendtHannah Arendt (2012)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Timely restoration of the legacy of Arendt. Perfectly cast and paced. Thoroughly traditional ensemble character play with intelligent, refreshing and uncompromising script. Good historical background. Highest recommendation.
GravityGravity (2013)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Overproduced but good Hollywood movie. George Clooney in top form; Sandra Bullock tries hard. Good zero–g physics––worth watching for that alone.
Wire, The - Season 1 (TV Series)Wire, The - Season 1 (TV Series) (2002)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Complex multi–layered story reminiscent of the movie Traffic. Meticulous and intelligent production. Overall––top quality television, 10 years later its almost a time capsule.
Django UnchainedDjango Unchained (2012)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Poignant social commentary buried beneath the ultraviolence. Something of an homage to Sam Peckinpah and Sergio Leone. Wicked sense of humour. Better than Inglorious Bastards.
Ipcress File, TheIpcress File, The (1965)
4 stars (Very Good) Stars Michael Caine in one of his first outings.Some of the subtlety of the classic Len Deighton novel is lost in this terse adaptation but the cinematography is still fresh and the movie still stands as something of a British classic
I Am SamI Am Sam (2002)
3 stars (Good Enough) Succeeds despite formulaic, syrupy Hollywood script. Stellar performances by Sean Penn and by child actor Dakota Fanning. Good soundtrack.
Inglourious BasterdsInglourious Basterds (Inglorious Bastards) (2009)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Starts off as a serious Tarantino film with the violence even somewhat restrained; escalates into parody and then into melodrama. Not to be taken too seriously. The climax is suitably apocalyptic.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
LooperLooper (2012)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A dark and unsettling multilayered sci. fi. flick. Violent?, yes and a little cliched –– but in the end there is redemption. Streets ahead of most of the time travel genre. Quality production,plenty of background detail. A memorable film.
DVD $20 $15
Shotgun StoriesShotgun Stories (2007)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Deep and almost unfathomable social dysfunction. Beautifully crafted, slow and understated, sensitive and almost sombre film about not much except unfinished business between old acquaintances.Filming captures local colour. Ends in hope, despite the odds.
Artist, TheArtist, The (2011)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Top quality silent movie with (some) sound. Pathos, melodrama, humour, redemption––– it\'s all there. Excellent recreation of period atmosphere. Top quality visual acting and lots of sly references for the cinemaphiles. Watch it twice
Ides of March, TheIdes of March, The (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Film centred on back–room operations during election campaign. Glossy production by large and talented cast. Sure footed and literary script. Egos collide, ethical and moral standards crumble and the centre cannot hold. A parable for our times.
In Search of HaydnIn Search of Haydn (2012)
3 stars (Good Enough) Unpretentious and honest biography of a simple and unpretentious man. Eloquently and respectfully filmed. Puts the voluminous work of Joseph Haydn into context and explains why he is regarded as the father of symphonic music. Well worth seeing.
Angel HeartAngel Heart (1987)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Seriously creepy cajun voodo black magic action. Brilliantly evocative of 1950\'s New Orleans. Perfect camera work, superb sound recording. Real nail biting edge–of–the–seat finale. Mickey Rourke, perfectly cast, gives it everything
They LiveThey Live (1988)
3 stars (Good Enough) Smart, almost contemporary version of the old Faustian legend;––the aliens just want to do business–– unadulterated capitalism and to hell with the consequences. Shame about the tacky low budget Hollywood production. Not John Carpenter\'s finest hour
Missing Person, TheMissing Person, The (2009)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Beautifully composed, somewhat muted and almost meditative film with an ironic slant. More than one "Missing Person" in evidence here. Laconic and troubled Michael Shannon excels in tailor made role. A strangely fascinating movie.
HeadhuntersHeadhunters (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Bloodsoaked comedy of errors. Just as you think things can\'t get worse for the protagonist–––they do!. Busy, clever and unsubtle script. No lingering tripod shots. No intense ensemble dramas; just good clean fun!.
25 Carat25 Carat (25 Kilates) (2008)
4 stars (Very Good) Contemporary Spain. 25% unemployment. Character play with plot of crime, intrigue and corruption slowly boiling up in the background. Well scripted, cast and produced.
Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of ShadowsSherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows (2011)
3 stars (Good Enough) A bit too clever and bit too slick. Visually a quality production but characters lack depth. It\'s all a bit superficial; even melodramatic. Nice try, and OK as light entertainment, but could have been more.
MementoMemento (2000)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Amnesiac thriller grabs and holds the attention as it explores those eternal questions of memory and identity. Audience is with the protagonist as he slowly unpacks the plot and its context. Watch again to fully appreciate the superb craftsmanship.
Bobby Fischer Against the WorldBobby Fischer Against the World (2011)
3 stars (Good Enough) As much about 1970\'s politics as about chess. A slow paced but oddly fascinating retrospective which brings the memories flooding back. The almost tragic story of probably the greatest chess player of the modern era.
InceptionInception (2010)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Superbly scripted, beautifully produced. Extended meditation on the nature of the foundations of the reality underpinning our lives. A lot of old mythology gets a work over here––and without the gaping plot holes characteristic of The Matrix.
Beyond the Valley of the DollsBeyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Nothing exceeds like excess. Ruthless satire of the values of the Flower Power Free Love generation. Parodies many film makers of the time, but most notably Alfred Hitchcock. Sets a cracking pace, there\'s no denying the slickness of the cinematography
Bank Job, The Bank Job, The (2008)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Roger Donaldson\'s latest outing. A cut above average. Band of bumbling amateur crooks succeed against the odds and steal millions in this somewhat embellished tale of actual events.
Blow UpBlow Up (Blow-Up) (1966)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Prototypical Antonioni movie. Simple linear plot with lots happening around and beneath it. Good cameos by famous actors. Revolutionary, even seditious, film in its day but now it seems somewhat tame. Times change.
Magic Christian, TheMagic Christian, The (1969)
3 stars (Good Enough) Stellar cast lampoons British society with mixed success in this scattershot fusillade of almost credible comedy sketches. Lots of ten pound notes and plenty of decadence. All good clean fun. A few beers will put you in the right frame of mind.
DVD $19.95
Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyTinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Terse, demanding and densely packed screenplay . Superb atmospheric production held me riveted. Absolutely top quality cinematography. Perfect casting. A thoroughly modern movie resolutely and meticulously set in the past.
SolarisSolaris (2002)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Meditation on the nature of reality and memory. A more literal and moody interpretation of the Stanislaw Lem novel than the classic Tarkovsky version––some of the Blade Runner feeling. Plenty of food for thought. Quality film well worth a look.
DVD $20 $15
Electra Glide in BlueElectra Glide in Blue (1973)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Shattered idealism; police brutality; police corruption and moral ambiguity all mark this slow and almost symphonic anti–heroic movie set in 1970\'s Arizona. The real star of the show is the director of photography––beautiful film, sordid subject matter
Box, TheBox, The (2009)
4 stars (Very Good) Plot driven scifi suspense drama which needs to be taken on its own terms. Well produced and well acted. Something of a throwback to the 1970\'s and with plenty of the weirdness and excess typical of that time. I didn\'t think that it was too long.
Guns of Navarone, TheGuns of Navarone, The (1961)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Every scene a mini dramatic production: perfect lighting; perfect choreography. some of the acting a little stilted by today\'s standards. Lots of spectacular special effects, although not of the CGI variety. Has aged remarkably well.
ContagionContagion (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Surprisingly good for a formulaic Hollywood movie. Attention to detail, some good acting and the steady hand of Steven Soderbergh at the helm redeem a so–so script.
Da Vinci Code, TheDa Vinci Code, The (2006)
3 stars (Good Enough) Pure Hollywood movie; somewhat overproduced, lightweight and with no surprises. Constant full orchestral score gets a bit much. Overall OK but undemanding film; Raiders of the Lost Ark is better. I didn\'t think so much of the Dan Brown novel either
Point BlankPoint Blank (2010)
4 stars (Very Good) Quality French thriller. Simple, effective and time–tested script––check. Edge–of–the–seat suspense––check. Top quality acting––check. Cinematography with typically French attention to detail and quality––check. All round, it\'s a class act.
Tower HeistTower Heist (2011)
2 stars (Good Try) Mediocre script and lack of good direction. Talented cast capable of more, especially Eddie Murphy. A curates\' egg; good in parts. Maybe they ought to have shot their script writer.
Corporation, TheCorporation, The (2003)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) The directors give a thorough and reasoned diagnosis of the corporate \"personality\" using the standard clinical tests. Sociopathic?–– definitely ; Psychotic?–– arguably. Oh dear.
IntervistaIntervista (1987)
4 stars (Very Good) A film about film, the artform which brings our dreams to life. Not a masterpiece, but magic is in the air. A wonderful, restorative and life affirming movie. You could do much worse than to give this one a couple of hours of your life
Jacob's LadderJacob's Ladder (1990)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Above average psycho–thriller with a sting in the tail. Good and well scripted screenplay. The hint of cinematic cliche is there, but still a quality piece.
Blu-Ray $29.95
Down by LawDown by Law (1988)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) quirky comedy has three misfit convicts sharing a cell in a seedy New Orleans jail and escaping together. Plenty of local colour––especially for a black & white movie. Tom Waits sings over the opening and closing credits as well as acting in the movie.
Debt, TheDebt, The (2010)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Introspective and thought provoking spy thriller. I don\'t have a bad thing to say about it. Top quality script; top quality acting.
SolarisSolaris (1972)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Outer and inner space fuse in this great SF classic based on the Stanislaw Lem novelette. Beautifully photographed and thought provoking film with no special effects. A bit slow in places, but the action is all below the surface.
Waiting for SupermanWaiting for Superman (2010)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Try to please everyone––end up pleasing nobody. Good structural analysis of the US education system. Plenty to think about and a well constructed piece.
TT Closer to the EdgeTT Closer to the Edge (TT3D Closer to the Edge) (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Speed addicts will love this. Lots of footage from on board cameras. Good cameo pieces from some of the participants. Thrills spills and death as the documentary follows one rider through the fortnight long event.
L.A. ConfidentialL.A. Confidential (1997)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Trouble in paradise. Mesmerising production.Politics and corruption in this dark and perfectly realised LA police procedural.
Usual Suspects, TheUsual Suspects, The (1995)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Weak script carried by top quality acting and tightly focused direction by Bryan Singer. Landmark film but the ending is a bit of a con job in itself.
HeistHeist (2001)
4 stars (Very Good) Typical David Mamet script to make your head spin. Double double crosses and plot twists galore. Gene Hackman and Danny DeVito compliment each other perfectly. Definitely a cut above average.
Twelve Angry MenTwelve Angry Men (12 Angry Men) (1957)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) The first film by Sidney Lumet who knows exactly where he is going with this. A jury room drama which would be nothing without its carefully balanced and talented cast. All time classic.
Casino RoyaleCasino Royale (2006)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) A more worldly and more sombre James Bond. Top quality all round, sets new standards for the genre. The opening five minutes in particular is a stunningly complex piece of action photography.
DriveDrive (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Quintessentially Southern Californian homage to Raymond Chandler and Quentin Tarantino. Carefully crafted movie ticks all of the boxes. Ryan Gosling plays with a frightening and icy intensity as things spiral down into ugliness on that very last job.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Catch 22Catch 22 (1970)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Star studded cast strips the convoluted and epic Joseph Heller tragi–comic novel down to its essentials and brings it to the screen in this superb production. A timeless masterpiece with deep emotional resonances. One of the best anti–war films.
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your ManLeonard Cohen - I'm Your Man (2005)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Interspersed biographical details of this most elusive of artists and the all too short live recording of the man himself playing along with members of U2 in New York make this disc worthwhile. Oh, and the Sydney tribute concert isn't so bad either.
Run Lola RunRun Lola Run (1998)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A bit like some of the new video games, except that the viewer has no control. Fate can turn on the smallest of things. Meticulously assembled and without a wasted moment. Takes repeated viewing to make all of the connections
Gran TorinoGran Torino (2008)
3 stars (Good Enough) Eastwood's laconic, aging character out of place in a modern world changed and changing beyond recognition, and definitely not about to go gentle into that good night. O.K. movie, but has already been done many times.
NoiseNoise (2007)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Surprisingly good slow burning Australian cop thriller. Superb camera work. Lots of excellent character acting. A little slow in places; could have been tightened up a bit.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Verdict, TheVerdict, The (1982)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Astounding performance from Paul Newman playing the ambulance chasing lawyer seeing the light and making good. The final summing up to the jury burns in the memory. Lumet returns to his roots. A movie which deserves to be better known than it is.
Passenger, ThePassenger, The (1975)
4 stars (Very Good) Memorable atmospheric and languid film which leaves plenty of room for the viewer and which lingers well after the final credits roll. Antonioni is at the top of his game, the scenery is beautiful and the actors all deliver.
Dr. StrangeloveDr. Strangelove (or; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1963)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Timeless work of genius on the part of Peter Sellers. One of the best film scripts ever written. Lines from this movie have become a part of our language
DVD $24.95 $18.70
NetworkNetwork (1976)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) 1970\'s classic which is more topical now than ever. Often imitated, never surpassed. One word to sum this film up. Superb.
Conversation, TheConversation, The (1974)
4 stars (Very Good) Understated minor masterpiece which still resonates today. Coppola keeps it simple and never looses focus.Totally absorbing screenplay, top quality acting. A work of real and enduring quality.
O Lucky ManO Lucky Man (1973)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) One of my favourite films. Deadpan and sardonic sense of humour. Marvellous sound track by Alan Price. A sprawling movie worth every second of attention. Malcolm McDowell shines as the bright young up–and–comer.
Full Metal JacketFull Metal Jacket (1987)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Intense character play in two parts follows a group of recruits through basic training and to the battlefield. Kubrick pushes the boat out again and succeeds––again. yes; war is hell, especially for those directly involved.
DVD $20 $15
Apocalypse NowApocalypse Now (1979)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) A huge movie on a huge canvass. Darkness in the heart of man. Only the largest of screens does this one justice. It\'s a landmark in the history of cinema, no doubt about it. Not for the squeamish.
Deer Hunter, TheDeer Hunter, The (1978)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Faultless and unforgettable all time classic of American cinema. Evokes an America which is gone for ever. A profound, disturbing and beautiful film.
Inside JobInside Job (2010)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) \"The film which cost $20,000,000,000,000 to make\". Wall Street 2008––it looks like a crime scene but what really happened?. Ferguson tries to find out but not so many want to talk and no wonder:Naked sleaze which will take your breath away.
Source CodeSource Code (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) An action thriller which explores some of the same issues as the sparse and understated Moon. Good intelligent script. Cinematography, acting, dramatic tension–– it\'s all spot on. One of the best SF films of recent years.
Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity (1944)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) A ground breaking film in its time and still a top quality movie by any standards. Raymond Chandler\'s script still shines. Hard to believe that this film was made over 60 years ago
DVD $19.95
No Country for Old MenNo Country for Old Men (2007)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) A near perfect adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy thriller for the screen. One of the best films of the last ten years.
Barry LyndonBarry Lyndon (1975)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Beautiful, beautiful costume drama. Near perfect transliteration of Thackery\'s novel. Unforgettable. See it on the big screen if you ever get the chance.
DVD $29.95 $22.45
Big Picture, TheBig Picture, The (2010)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Good competent European character play. Lots of local colour,plenty of atmosphere and plenty of good acting. The plot a little unlikely, nobody sheds one identity and takes up another so easily in these times.
Navigator, TheNavigator, The (A Medieval Odyssey) (1988)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Imaginative little film which falls slightly short of greatness. A bit overcooked in some places but brilliantly conceived in others. You either like the work of Vincent Ward or you don\'t. This film has never gained the recognition it deserves.
RainRain (2001)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Simple, down home NZ movie. We have all been there. I felt a bit mugged by the ending but the film is still a cut above average.
DVD $24.95
Odessa File, TheOdessa File, The (1974)
3 stars (Good Enough) Good, solid, straight up translation of the novel to the big screen. Competent in all departments but not exceptional. A reminder of simpler, less crowded times.
BullittBullitt (1968)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Gritty cop thriller which makes no concessions. Steve McQueen at his best. An action movie with very little actual –– but plenty of implied–– violence. A true classic which, if anything, has improved with age.
Spanish Prisoner, TheSpanish Prisoner, The (1998)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Top class screenplay from David Mamet, ably assisted by his cast. Roller–coaster plot which is definitely not for the inattentive. Wheels within wheels. Somewhat contrived ending; otherwise a real gem.
State Of PlayState Of Play (2009)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Technically good and well scripted film with plenty of twists and turns in the plot. Good individual performances let down by a lack of good ensemble acting. Falls short of greatness but not a bad movie for all that.
TrafficTraffic (2000)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) An homage to the great directors of the late 1960\'s. Pay attention; there are three films running in parallel here. Brilliant cinematography. The corruption surrounding the \"drug problem\" is laid bare but there is no happy ending here.
DVD $19.95
Player, ThePlayer, The (1992)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Brilliant satire, right from the opening scene. A tour de force by director Robert Altman and a star studded cast. If you haven\'t seen this then what are you waiting for?.
Take ShelterTake Shelter (2011)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) The tornado as metaphor for destructive and disruptive descent into schizophrenia. David Lynch and Alfred Hitchcock would understand. Slow paced, meticulous. Michael Shannon outstanding in lead role. Look forward to more films directed by Jeff Nichols.
Osterman Weekend, TheOsterman Weekend, The (1983)
3 stars (Good Enough) Technically well made thriller with a political message. Loses its way and becomes a bit disjointed toward the end. Not Peckinpah at his finest, but the actors all turn in competent performances. Worth a look: not a masterpiece.
Rip! A Remix ManifestoRip! A Remix Manifesto (2008)
4 stars (Very Good) A riot!. Fast paced entertaining educational and topical commentary on remix culture and copyright law.Don't bother trying to keep track of the cuts in this one, it moves too fast for that.
Cross of IronCross of Iron (1977)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) One of the best war films. Disjointed but brilliant. Some of the best ensemble acting you will ever see. Not for the kids. Saving Private Ryan seems facile by comparison. Good to see it re–released on disc.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Point BlankPoint Blank (1967)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Stolid performance by Lee Marvin well supported by Angie Dickinson. A directors\' movie; faultless cinematography, weird almost surreal plot which comes together slowly and is more than the sum of its parts. Of its time, but still works today.

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