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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
USA 2007, 117 minutes
Dir. James Gray
Rating: [R16]
Genres: Suspense/Crime / Policier, Gangsters
Topics: Period 1980s, Drugs & Alcohol.
Aroview: Accomplished crime saga concerns a nightclub manager (Phoenix) on the fringe of New York's Russian Mafia, whose lifestyle is jeopardized when family connections to the police force are exposed.
With dir. Gray (THE YARDS) revisiting the nocturnal subcultures of an unglamorous New York - specifically, late 80s Brooklyn - this mines a vintage, understated aesthetic, sophisticatedly toned down from its overacted, overproduced close relatives (i.e. THE DEPARTED, AMERICAN GANGSTER). The genre elements may be familiar and dog-eared (if functional as a studio-era throwback), but that doesn't stop the film from thrilling courtesy of two exemplary set-pieces, and the interplay between its conflicted male trio, whose perilous blood ties deliver the necessary pathos and heartfelt emotion.
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) There are some great scenes, performances, and a good script, but overall the story fails to go far enough and push enough boundaries to make it particularly memorable. ~Tom H
2 stars (Good Try) The early "Heart of Glass" scene is the best but it doesn't really work after that and its hard to work out why it doesn't. ~Tubbs
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