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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
USA 2009, 128 minutes
Dir. Guy Ritchie
Rating: [M] Violence
Genres: Action/Adventure, Suspense/Crime
Topics: Period - 1800s.
Feat. Robert Downey Jnr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan, Geraldine James, Kelly Reilly, James Fox
Aroview: Blockbuster makeover of the famous sleuth has Holmes re-imagined as a brawny, off-beat super-hero type, battling a fiendish villain who threatens the whole of Victorian England with his death-defying black magic.
Not the Sherlock Holmes that purists would like to remember, this is one drawn from dir. Guy Ritchie's stock as much as Conan Doyle's, with chest-baring fisticuffs now supplementing his incomparable powers of deduction. Robert Downey Jnr. again shows he's in a class of his own among A-List actors, with his expressive range and dapper accent, though subtitles may be needed to catch all the clues. In support, Jude Law is very much elementary, but Mark Strong flexes a superior screen villainy.
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 7 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) Great, mindless fun. RDJ gives his usual good value as our titular hero and Jude Law is surprisingly not annoying. ~The Myrka
1 star (Turkey) To be fair, I didn't see the ending. So, who knows? It may, in the last act, have miraculously stopped being an insultingly dumb, obnoxiously smug, gratingly "stylised" feature-length commercial... But prob'ly not. I taste bile just thinking about it. ~fairbrother
5 stars (Exceptional) ~normfilmbuff
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