Synopsis: Powerful saga of an Irish immigrant in 1950s New York who falls for a tough Italian plumber, but faces temptation from another man when she returns to her homeland for a visit.
“This is an old-fashioned entertainment, but one so masterfully crafted and heartfelt that it's hard not to love.”~Noel Murray, The AV Club
Member Reviews
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) A relaxing film for a Saturday night; well enough acted and not dull. Denouement about conflicting loyalties interesting; most would put familiarity of home first, but the sheer nastiness of European village life in the 1950s clinches the decision. ~Sandy
3 stars (Good Enough) The period props and wardrobe are spot on. An understated performance from Ronan works well. The best scenes are those with Julie Walters in the boarding house. ~Tubbs
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