“You know exactly what brand of “weird” to expect from Nicolas Cage and Sion Sono, but what you might not expect is how much the film feels like a death dream about movies.”~Siddhant Adlakha, IGN
Aroview: The English language debut of idiosyncratic Japanese director Sion Sono (LOVE EXPOSURE), featuring another maniacal performance from Nicolas Cage.
A sukiyaki psych-Western set in a fantasy frontier city called Samurai Town, where a ruthless bank robber (Cage) is sent on a mission to retrieve the runaway daughter of a wealthy warlord (Bill Moseley). A chaotic meeting of Cage and Sono's distinct aesthetic sensibilities which doesn't quite exceed the sum of its parts, but needless to say this is filled with ball busting insanity on all fronts.
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-1 of 1 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) It doesn't always work and maybe none of it works but it is entertaining, zanely different and I suspect the cast enjoyed making it. ~Tubbs
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