HiFi’s Film Reviews
353 Films have been rated or reviewed by HiFi.
Lincoln Lawyer, The (2011)
Pretty lazy scriptwise, and McC is a 'knacktor' (is much going on behind the drawl & swagger?), but watchable.Good supporting cast (including Michael Pare's neck). The film's weakness is its refusal to let you find Mick unlikeable.
Crazies, The (2010)
The best of this kind of thing that I've seen in a while. Gripping, well acted and satisfying. Nicely paranoid and downbeat. And Olyphant is always very watchable...
Guard, The (2010)
The garish colours, the colourful characters, the waggishly postmodern dialogue. Always seems to be peering over its shoulder at the crime cinema of yore. I had fun, but it left me shrugging. The thinking person's 'Hot Fuzz'?
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Good performances, and Williams is on fine form at the mic. but, honestly, this is a heavy–handed, simplistic and patronising movie. Incongruous score by Hollywood legend Alex North. For prime Levinson, try 'Tin Men'.
Music and Lyrics (2006)
Wafer thin and contrived, with no chemistry between the leads –it's like they're in different movies–but I've watched this twice and enjoyed it both times, so I guess something (maybe the TV–honed supporting cast) carries the day (or I'm an idiot).
Absolute Power (1996)
The acting wattage more than compensates for any script deficiencies, and, while not prime Eastwood, this is still very watchable.
True Grit (2010)
Impeccably crafted, if not particularly inspired, with a host of excellent, unshowy performances (Bridges losing out slightly to Wayne in the charm stakes). The real star for me was the language: biblical, shaggy–dog, eloquently base. Recommended.
Avengers, The (Marvel's Avengers) (2012)
Initially found it tedious and long–winded but I warmed up to it. Is it just me, or does this seem, well, anonymous? The post–credits scene of our heroes dining out was the most Whedonesque thing about it...
Skyfall (2012)
Not bad for a blockbuster, I guess, and Deakins' camerawork was ravishing, but it struck me as smug and tedious. It would only have taken a couple of keystrokes for Harris' character to end up with the top job, but I guess that's for another century...
Edge of Darkness (TV Mini-series) (1986)
I loved this when it came out but two rewatchings later it doesn't seem so good. Peck overacts badly and the script's weak and woolly. Heresy, I know. Watch it for Baker, Kay and McNeice and try to ignore the dreadful score.