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HiFi’s Film Reviews

353 Films have been rated or reviewed by HiFi.

Rachel Getting MarriedRachel Getting Married (2008)
3 stars (Good Enough) Hathaway\'s great & avoids the Helen Hunts. Real star is Declan Quinn\'s docu–style camera. Unfortunately the faces of the people of colour function only as part of the production design – merely decorative, never allowed to become real characters.
Right Stuff, TheRight Stuff, The (1983)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Thrilling, funny, awestruck, ironic. This pretty much captures the tone of Wolfe\'s book. Seamlessly integrates original footage (that's the real Grissom and Shepherd just before Freedom 7's blastoff). Excellent cast. A feast.
ExistenzExistenz (1998)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Subtly effective production design, score and cinematography. Perfect performances. Involving, disturbing and darkly humorous.
Play It Again, SamPlay It Again, Sam (1972)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) This is the one I keep going back to. For me his most satisfying comedy. Interesting that it was scripted but not directed by him.
Beverly Hills CopBeverly Hills Cop (1984)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Wonderful. It\'s simply and effectively put together, the excellent cast are having a ball, the music\'s perfectly integrated, and Eilbacher gets to play a female character who\'s neither feisty cliche nor dolly bird.
Sunset BoulevardSunset Boulevard (1950)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Very modern in its pitch–black humour and cynical view of humanity. The cinematography and design perfectly evoke an atmosphere of decay. Stunningly written and performed, it\'s one of Wilder\'s best and a personal favourite.
SabrinaSabrina (1954)
4 stars (Very Good) \'As close to heaven as you could get on Long Island\'. Wonderful–looking and wickedly droll, with a brilliant cast, but the romantic resolution always leaves me a little cold – isn\'t Bogart a little old? Still, Audrey\'s best, IMHO.
Be Kind RewindBe Kind Rewind (2008)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Wonderful, almost Capra–esque, premise. The movie reshoots are hilariously inventive, but the (seemingly) improvised dialogue can get a little wearying. Heart\'s in the right place, but.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Frost/NixonFrost/Nixon (2008)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Great stuff. Is Langella\'s Nixon more layered and sympathetic – human – than the man himself? Anyway, it\'s a stunning performance. My only quibble: it\'s a shame the wonderful Rebecca Hall didn\'t get more to do. Riveting indeed.
Green Hornet, TheGreen Hornet, The (2011)
3 stars (Good Enough) Gondry swaps lo–fi quirk for hi–tech anonymity. Chou, Diaz–feisty; Waltz–wasted; Rogen\'s shambolic persona and delivery (he co–wrote)–overused. Amusing \'Big Trouble in Little China\' spin on hero/sidekick dynamic, but overall a bit pointless.

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