This re–enactment captures the horror of the event as the world waited in dread for the crippled space craft to return. Tom Hank\'s greatest performance: the functions he performs are authentic due his passion for space travel.
Wonderful performances from the great Dames of the British stage and surprisingly by Cher. Beautifully crafted film using the special, soft light of Italy the comedy is a clever veneer to expose Nazi evil.
An authentic climbing film: no hollywood. Still probably the only rescue and self–rescue made from this altitude. Repeat viewings still overwhelming. Actaully inspirational –I got out of ranges with 6 fractures in leg using Joe\'s method.
Jamie Foxx is almost an avatar of Charles. Well–paced biography exposing the unique musicality of Charles as well as his personal hubris. Could have more music for his fans but a good film to keep and enjoy many times.
Extraordinary, authentic jungle odyssey by Dengler with worst, horrifying tragedy of the journey moderated for decency. Superb acting by whole cast. Worth having just as a superb film but Dengler an extraordinary man.