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Subgenre Sampler

Corpse BrideCorpse Bride (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) (2005)Recommended
An animated tour–de–force from dir. Burton which fuses spindley puppetry and subtle CGI for its mythic tale of a sallow young bridegroom…
DVD $15 $11.25
Kill Bill - Vol. 2Kill Bill - Vol. 2 (2004)Recommended
The second half of Quentin Tarantino’s revenge saga is an uneven but redeeming affair that brings closure to his magnum opus with more character…
DVD $20 $15
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, TheLife Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004)Recommended
Another snorkle into the 'Cinema Absurd with Wes Anderson', delivering an intricate comedic conceit woven around a washed–up oceanographer…
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Offensive BehaviourOffensive Behaviour (2004)
Amiable though underwritten exercise in Kiwi bad taste, revolving around one afternoon’s goings on in a block of flats. The deviants inside…
DVD $19.95 $14.95
ChristmasChristmas (2003)Recommended
Structured around a grueling family Christmas in suburban New Zealand, this stark and uncompromising drama is one of the best low–budget…
DVD $29.95 $22.45
PraisePraise (1999)Recommended
Sex, beer and co–dependency dominate this brazen, bleakly comic study of a doomed relationship between two afflicted souls (he with asthma, she…
Poster (VG) $19.95
Fear and Loathing in Las VegasFear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)Recommended
Wildly hallucinatory version of Hunter S. Thompson's counter–culture novel, does away with the ersatz social satire but thankfully hits the…
DVD $19.95 $14.95
As Good As It GetsAs Good As It Gets (1997)Recommended
Obsessive–compulsive Jack Nicholson has his fear and loathing neutered by the straight–shooting solo–Mum waitress, Helen Hunt, in…
DVD $15 $11.25
House of Cards, The (TV Series)House of Cards, The (TV Series) (1990-1993)Recommended
A sardonic and blackly humourous look at British politics, with a reptilian Ian Richardson plotting and blackmailing his way into power in three…
DVD $30 $22.50
Shock to the System, AShock to the System, A (1990)
Plagued by mediocrity, bad luck and an intolerant wife, Michael Caine discovers that murder is the remedy for success.
DVD $12.95

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