Subgenre Sampler
Sales > Television > Cult TV: 14 films to Buy
Doctor Who (Series 2) [David Tennant] (Dr. Who) (2005-2006)
- Tenth 'regeneration' of the enigmatic Doctor Who with David Tennant bequeathed the Tardis and sidekick Rose (played again by Billie Piper) in a new…
$15 $11.25, $50 $37.50
Moral Orel (TV Series) (2005)
- Controversial, caustic parody of religious mores remixes in the Adult Swim tradition existing morally–centred shows around laregly offensive…
- DVD $34.95
John Safran vs God (TV Series) (2004)
- Ozzie media–satirist John Safran explores religion in the modern world with high irreverance, low humour and agnostic scepticism.
Among the…
- DVD $29.95
Da Ali G Show (TV Series) (Ali G, Innit; Ali G, Aiii; Ali G in da USAiii) (2000-2004)
- A hilarious batch of subversive, satirical interviews and gags from Britain’s preposterous hiphopping comedy host, played by Sacha Baron Cohen.
- DVD $19.95, $19.95
Singing Detective, The (TV Series) (1986)
- Ground–breaking fantasy–drama from the unique genius of Dennis Potter. Michael Gambon is brilliant as a bed–ridden, frustrated…
$20 $15
Survivors (TV Series) (1975-1977)
- Memorable post–apocalyptic drama serial following a small group of survivors after 99.9% of Earth’s population has been wiped out by a deadly…
$35 $26.25, $35 $26.25
Space 1999 (TV Series) (1974- 1978)
- A live–action creation from puppet–master Gerry Anderson about a crew of scientists stationed on "Moonbase Alpha". With sterling…
- DVD $89.95 | Blu-Ray $159.95
Tomorrow People, The (TV Series) (1973)
- Fitted out with stun–guns, digital watches and a talking biotronic computer called TIM, a group of highly–evolved youngsters also enjoy…
- DVD $139.95
Persuaders, The (TV Series) (Persuaders!, The) (1971)
- Roger Moore and Tony Curtis play a debonair duo who lend their status and charm to dissuade the criminal fraternity. Wonderfully corny.
DVD 'Box…
- DVD $79.95
Callan (TV Series) (1970)
- The bold British TV spy series with Edward Woodward as the cold–blooded but very human secret agent.
$20 $15, $129.95
Prisoner, The (TV Series) (1967-1968)
- Patrick McGoohan stars as No.6, a man who wakes to find himself the pawn of a mysterious big brother organisation in this 60's soaked sci–fi…
$40 $30, $54.95
Adam Adamant Lives! (TV Series) (1966)
- A lost classic of British television starring Gerald Harper as an intrepid Edwardian Gentleman–Adventurer frozen by his nemesis ‘The Face’,…
- DVD $69.95
Thunderbirds (TV Series) (1965- 1966)
- The complete series of Gerry Anderson's exemplary puppet suspense TV series that continues to enthrall new generations.
Set around the…
- DVD $89.95
Avengers, The (TV Series) (1961-1969)
- The impossibly hip secret agent show is a high–camp classic and a nostalgic pleasure. Well–devised scripts, quirky dialogue and playful…
$30 $22.50, $30 $22.50, $30 $22.50, $79.95 $40