Subgenre Sampler
Sociology: 251 Films to Buy & Rent
Martins, The (2001)
- Dir. Tony Grounds
Feat. Lee Evans, Kathy Burke, Paddy Considine
- Lee Evans (better known as a standup comic) gives a standout performance as the manic, disgruntled patriarch of a disastrous Hatfield family –…
Navigators, The (2001)
- Dir. Ken Loach
Feat. Thomas Craig, Dean Andrews, Andy Swallow
- Following British Rail’s privatisation in the mid–90s, a group of railway workers must steer their way through the rough times in this…
Project Greenlight (TV Series) (2001)
- This outstanding documentary series about the making of a low–budget feature film is mandatory for anyone interested in film and the… (2001)
- Dir. Jehane Noujaim, Chris Hegedus
Feat. Kaleil Tuzman, Tom Herman
- A supremely timely, as–it–happens recording of the boom–and–bust story of two naively ambitious internet entrepreneurs –…
Sweetest Sound, The (2001)
- Dir. Alan Berliner
- Wry, speculative documentary on identity and genealogy finds dir. Alain Berliner turning the camera on himself – and twelve other ‘Alan…
Time Out (2001)
- Dir. Laurence Cantet
Feat. Aurelien Recoing, Serge Livrozet
- A subtly layered account of middle–class businessman Aurelien Recoing, who pretends to his family and friends that he is corporate highflyer,…
Titless Wonders (2001)
- Dir. Gaylene Preston
- “An upfront exploration of the emotional discoveries of women with breast cancer”, this bravely and valuably documents a subject most people…
Bouncer: Behind the Velvet Rope (2000)
- Dir. Steven Cantor
- Those guardians of bars and nightclubs describe the perils and perks of their profession (and why for some there’s no difference between them).…
Corner, The (TV Series) (2000)
- Feat. Khandi Alexander, Sean Nelson, T. K. Carter…
- Miniseries based on the non fiction book "The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner–City Neighbourhood" by David Simon and his writing partner…
Cunnamulla (2000)
- Dir. Dennis O'Rourke
- The provocative director of GOOD WOMAN OF BANGKOK turns his lense onto the Australian community of the title, a rag–tag small–town in…