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Subgenre Sampler

Sons for the Return HomeSons for the Return Home (1979)
Dir. Paul Maunder
Feat. Uelese Pataia
Compassionate screen adaptation of Albert Wendt's autobiographical novel, the first published by a Samoan. Uelese Pataia plays the shy young academic…
Sleeping DogsSleeping Dogs (1977) Recommended
Dir. Roger Donaldson
Feat. Sam Neill, Warren Oates
Roger Donaldson's nihilistic action–thriller in which Sam Neill finds himself alone between two opposing extremist groups. A trail–blazer…
SoloSolo (1977)
Dir. Tony Williams  
Feat. Vincent Gil, Lisa Peers, Martyn Sanderson
Emotional isolation is the theme of this moody drama in which a lonely fire patrol pilot balances his life with that of his introverted son and a…
Hunter's Gold (TV Series)Hunter's Gold (TV Series) (1976)
Feat. Ken Blackburn, Andrew Hawthorn, Ian Mune
Classic kidult series follows young Scott Hunter as he searches for his father amidst the Otago Gold Rush in thismagnificent recreation of early New…
Until They SailUntil They Sail (1957) Recommended
Dir. Robert Wise
Feat. Jean Simmons, Joan Fontaine, Paul Newman
1950s Christchurch is the novelty star of this MGM prestige picture set entirely in Canterbury, New Zealand, with landmarks such as the Christchurch…

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