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Subgenre Sampler

Lemonheads - Two Weeks in Australia (1993)
The now defunct indie band, headed by Evan Dando, play their appealing brand of melodic rock on tour down–under, including vid–clips and…
More Abba GoldMore Abba Gold (1993)
13 More Abba videos, including When I Kissed the Teacher and On & On & On.
P.J. Harvey - Reeling (1993)
Feat. Polly Jean Harvey
Darlings of the indie rock press, Polly Jean Harvey and band, captured on stage and off during her Euro–American tour of 1993.
Porgy and BessPorgy and Bess (1993) Recommended
Dir. Trevor Nunn
Feat. Willard White, Cynthia Haymon
Acclaimed stage–director Nunn, brings the Gershwin brother’s greatest opera/musical to life. Recorded at Shepperton Studios in 1992.
Prince - The Collection (1993)
Feat. Prince
15 classics from the diminutive pop–genius.
Some Yo Yo StuffSome Yo Yo Stuff (1993)
Dir. Anton Corbijn
Brief but illuminating glimpse at the world of Don Van Vliet, best known as the experimental rock–singer 'Captain Beefheart' who essentially…
Theremin - An Electronic OdysseyTheremin - An Electronic Odyssey (1993) Recommended
Dir. Steven M. Martin
The fascinating life of Prof. Leon Theremin, the Russian inventor of the Theremin – a unique musical instrument/sound effects generator,…
Tina - What's Love Got to Do with ItTina - What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) Aro Favourite
Dir. Brian Gibson
Feat. Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne
Exemplary musical biopic about legendary soulstress Tina Turner that soars thanks to two powerhouse performances from Angela Bassett as Tina and…
Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992)
Dir. Michael Boydstun
This state–of–the–art computer animation odyssey is a must for technoheads seeking more of the VR stuff from THE LAWNMOWER MAN.…
Big Audio Dynamite - Bad I + II (1992)
11 songs from Mick Jones' 80s post–Clash band. Includes 1 video directed by Jim Jarmusch.

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