Subgenre Sampler
Rental > Music: 1334 Films to Rent
Lemonheads - Two Weeks in Australia (1993)
- The now defunct indie band, headed by Evan Dando, play their appealing brand of melodic rock on tour down–under, including vid–clips and…
More Abba Gold (1993)
- 13 More Abba videos, including When I Kissed the Teacher and On & On & On.
P.J. Harvey - Reeling (1993)
- Feat. Polly Jean Harvey
- Darlings of the indie rock press, Polly Jean Harvey and band, captured on stage and off during her Euro–American tour of 1993.
Porgy and Bess (1993)
- Dir. Trevor Nunn
Feat. Willard White, Cynthia Haymon
- Acclaimed stage–director Nunn, brings the Gershwin brother’s greatest opera/musical to life. Recorded at Shepperton Studios in 1992.
Prince - The Collection (1993)
- Feat. Prince
- 15 classics from the diminutive pop–genius.
Some Yo Yo Stuff (1993)
- Dir. Anton Corbijn
- Brief but illuminating glimpse at the world of Don Van Vliet, best known as the experimental rock–singer 'Captain Beefheart' who essentially…
Theremin - An Electronic Odyssey (1993)
- Dir. Steven M. Martin
- The fascinating life of Prof. Leon Theremin, the Russian inventor of the Theremin – a unique musical instrument/sound effects generator,…
Tina - What's Love Got to Do with It (1993)
- Dir. Brian Gibson
Feat. Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne
- Exemplary musical biopic about legendary soulstress Tina Turner that soars thanks to two powerhouse performances from Angela Bassett as Tina and…
Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992)
- Dir. Michael Boydstun
- This state–of–the–art computer animation odyssey is a must for technoheads seeking more of the VR stuff from THE LAWNMOWER MAN.…
Big Audio Dynamite - Bad I + II (1992)
- 11 songs from Mick Jones' 80s post–Clash band. Includes 1 video directed by Jim Jarmusch.