Subgenre Sampler
Rental > Documentary > Film History: 186 Films to Rent
I Am Alfred Hitchcock (2021)
- A seminal figure in the world of cinema, Alfred Hitchcock produced some of the most famous films ever made. I Am Alfred Hitchcock delves deep into…
My Name is Gulpilil (2021)
- Dir. Molly Reynolds
Feat. David Gulpilil
- A documentary memoir of the late great actor and dancer David Gulpilil, an Aboriginal Australian of the Yolngu people who starred in movies such as…
Memory: The Origins of Alien (2019)
- Dir. Alexandre O. Philippe
- Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the theatrical release of ALIEN, this documentary reveals the untold origins of the cinematic masterpiece –…
Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project (2019)
- Dir. Matt Wolf
- Extraordinary documentary about the TV producer and historian Marion Stokes and her vast collection of home recorded American news clips, which form…
Scream, Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street (Scream Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street) (2019)
- Dir. Tyler Jensen, Roman Chimienti
Feat. Mark Patton
- Insightful documentary exploring the homo–erotic subtext in the controversial second installment of the NIGHT ON ELM STREET horror franchise,…
Varda By Agnes (2019)
- Dir. Agnes Varda
Feat. Agnes Varda
- Belgian–born film–maker/photographer/artist Agnès Varda takes a seat on a theatre stage to present photos and film excerpts that provide…
You Don't Nomi (2019)
- Dir. Jeffrey McHale
- Initially derided by critics and audience alike, Paul Verhoeven’s notoriously trashy sexploitation SHOWGIRLS has developed a devoted fan following…
Eyes of Orson Welles, The (2018)
- Dir. Mark Cousins
- Mark Cousins (THE STORY OF FILM – AN ODYSSEY) examines the visual world of Orson Welles through his non–cinematic work, uncovering new…
Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema (2018)
- Dir. Mark Cousins
- Mark Cousin's follows up his ground–breaking THE STORY OF FILM series with this equally–lauded celebration of women in film, with…
78/52 (78 Shots & 52 Cuts) (2017)
- Dir. Alexandre O. Philippe
- An unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), the "man behind the curtain", and the screen murder that…