Cloud Atlas
Feat. Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, Keith David, James D'Arcy, Xun Zhou, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant
Aroview: An awe-inspiring cinematic epic that adapts David Mitchell's ambitious and 'unfilmable' novel as an 'auteur blockbuster' and genuine one-of-a-kind film experience.
Traversing many genres (adventure, comedy, drama, thriller, sci-fi) over six time periods spanning past, present, and future, this is the prodigy of two directing teams - The Wachowskis (THE MATRIX) and Tom Tykwer (RUN LOLA RUN) - who manage to be faithful to both the source material and their own grand themes and visions.
The fractured narrative(s) may not be welcomed by those looking for conventional rewards, but it is second to none as spectacle and technical feat, and there are intricate pleasures for attentive viewers as the stories challenge the idea of character identity, the excellent cast even crossing gender/race boundaries to play up to six roles a piece. As one critic succinctly put it: "it doesn't matter if Cloud Atlas ends up being more than the sum of its parts when the parts are this good."
Member Reviews
Average rating
(Good Enough). Showing 1-1 of 1 member reviews.
DVD Features
- 'making of' documentary / featurette
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