Mathieu Kassovitz
Director, Actor
Filmography (All Films)
La Haine (Hate) (1995)
- Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
Feat. Vincent Cassel, Hubert Kounde, Said Taghmaoui…
- A distinctive French urban crime drama in which the idle hands of male youth form fisticuffs on mean urban streets. A whole lot punchier, intelligent…
Self Made Hero, A (1996)
- Dir. Jacques Audiard
Feat. Mathieu Kassovitz
- Mattieu Kassovitz (director of LA HAINE) proves to be no slouch actor here as a WW2 idler who swats up and cheekily ascends the ranks of the…
Assassin(s) (1997)
- Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
Feat. Mathieu Kassovitz, Michel Serrault
- Disappointing followup to LA HAINE for dir./star Kassovitz, plumping for a story of an apprentice hitman (Kassovitz) to aging pro Michel Serrault,…
Crimson Rivers, The (2000)
- Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
Feat. Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel
- A bizarre murder in the French Alps draws detectives Jean Reno and Vincent Cassel into the killing–cycle of a particularly grisly…
Amelie (2001)
- Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Feat. Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz
- A charming romantic comedy stamped with the purely cinematic style of dir. Jean–Pierre Juenet, who here remixes intricate set pieces, editing…
Birthday Girl (2002)
- Dir. Jez Butterworth
Feat. Nicole Kidman, Ben Chaplin, Vincent Cassel…
- Competent comic–thriller in which the limited social horizons of bank–clerk Ben Chaplin lead him to ‘order’ Russian mail–order…
Amen. (2002)
- Dir. Costa-Gavras
Feat. Ulrich Tukur, Mathieu Kassovitz, Ulrich Muhe
- An unusual WW2 drama concerning the true story of SS officer Kurt Gerstein (Tukur), who invented the chemical Zyklon–B not knowing it was to be…
Gothika (2004)
- Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
Feat. Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jnr., Penelope Cruz…
- A stylish, foreboding, though ultimately secondhand suspenser which has a psychiatrist (Berry) waking up in her own mental asylum after the slaying…
Munich (2005)
- Dir. Steven Spielberg
Feat. Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, Mathieu Kassovitz…
- Compelling, if occasionally muddily–overearnest thriller based around the aftermath of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich…
Babylon A.D. (2008)
- Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
Feat. Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh, Gerard Depardieu…
- Mind–numbing, muddled Vin Diesel thriller that sees the furrowed–brow strongman playing a callous mercenary recruited to smuggle a woman…