Tim Burton
Director, Actor
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Paul Ruebens
- A stylised masterpiece in which Pee–Wee Herman embarks on a priceless search for his prized possession; a bicycle. A brilliant,…
Beetlejuice (1988)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin…
- A deceased couple return as ghosts and discover their home has been occupied by an obnoxious family, so decide to enlist the services of…
Batman (1989)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger
- The box–office sensation that almost survived its own hype. Jack Nicholson's Joker and the incredible set designs will ensure it to be…
Edward Scissorhands (1991)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder, Vincent Price
- This inspired contemporary fairy–tale posits Johnny Depp as a boy endowed with sharp appendages, a mixed blessing when it comes to fitting into…
Batman Returns (1992)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Michael Keaton, Danny De Vito, Michelle Pfeiffer…
- The lone Bat returns to defend Gotham City from Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) and The Penguin (Danny De Vito). Everything you loved or loathed about…
Ed Wood (1994)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker…
- Tim Burton, the eccentric visionary behind EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, PEE–WEE and BATMAN finds a soul mate in recounting the life of the world's…
Mars Attacks! (1996)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening…
- Tim Burton once again turns tacky into an art form, but this time with a monster budget to match the alien carnage.
This gleefully (though…
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Christopher Walken…
- The oft–filmed short story 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow' is fashioned by illustrious iconoclast Tim Burton as the goriest, most…
Planet of the Apes (2001)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Mark Wahlberg, Helena Bonham Carter, Tim Roth
- Attempting to “re–imagine” (rather than merely ape) the 1968 original, dir. Burton ups the ante with fiercer simians and darker…
Big Fish (2003)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup…
- A fantasy of substance from dir. Tim Burton, set around a dying father (Finney) and his son (Crudup), who relives the father's tall stories, piecing…