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HiFi’s Film Reviews

353 Films have been rated or reviewed by HiFi.

Danger DiabolikDanger Diabolik (1968)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Stylish, exaggerated, with a wonderful score and some great matte–painting and back–projection. Very flat and uninvolving in places, but overall it\'s great fun and Diabolik & Eva\'s \'contra mundum\' romance is pretty endearing.
Blu-Ray $24.95
ScoreScore (1973)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Kind of a tongue–in–cheek (!) \'Dangerous Liaisons\'. Probably Metzger\'s best, and a personal favourite. One of the film\'s strengths is that the fun on display isn\'t exclusively hetero. Thoroughly enjoyable, one of a kind.
PaperhousePaperhouse (1988)
4 stars (Very Good) Aside from the supernatural aspect, a sympathetic exploration of the way children cope with the unpredictability of the adult world. Burke brilliantly portrays a real girl, warts and all. Very well done, genuinely unnerving. Only quibble: overblown score.
ZombielandZombieland (2009)Recommended
2 stars (Good Try) After the initial excitement I felt myself turning to concrete – it\'s not very well written or directed. The cast seem to be floundering. Sorry to be a buzzkill. Maybe I need to drink more. Definitely.
FanboysFanboys (2008)
3 stars (Good Enough) When one joke falls flat there\'s another along before you know it...likeable cast including Seth Rogen with abominable\'s hard to take against a film with such a lot of good–natured zip.
GreenbergGreenberg (2010)
3 stars (Good Enough) Cringemaking sex, semi–abusive relationships, unpleasant characters. Greenberg becomes a slightly more engaging jackass at the party, Gerwig seems to have wandered in from a Bujalski film. Well crafted, but to what end?
Wild Palms (TV Series)Wild Palms (TV Series) (1992)
4 stars (Very Good) Kind of total rubbish, but if you let yourself be whisked along and don\'t mind the almost total incoherence it\'s actually very enjoyable – our slightly more distant past\'s view of our slightly more recent past = Sci Fi!
Take ShelterTake Shelter (2011)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) Immaculately crafted, but Nichols seems so busy rigorously avoiding any stylistic flourishes, special pleading or filmic cliches that he somehow forgets to establish any persuasive identity for the characters or the film itself.
Rocker, The Rocker, The (2008)
3 stars (Good Enough) A masterclass in the effects of an appealing, comedically deft cast on fairly anodyne material. Wilson is a hugely enjoyable grotesque.
MacGruberMacGruber (2010)
1 star (Turkey) Dire. Avoid. And I\'m not convinced of Kristen Wiig\'s \'comic genius\', either. For some idea of the level this is pitched at, the villain\'s name is \'Cunth\'.

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