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Sandy’s Film Reviews

656 Films have been rated or reviewed by Sandy.

Latcho DromLatcho Drom (1993)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Most friends hold this fanciful travelogue of gypsy migration and music from India to Spain in high esteem. Personally I found it slipshod in content and sometimes irritating in style – but that's just me. Perhaps you should watch it; it's famous!
Time Will Tell - Bob Marley (1991)
3 stars (Good Enough) Interesting, choppy documentary now wholly superseded by the wonderful, reprocessed Marley (2012). Much of the footage is the same, just in worse shape and less well integrated. Wellington Film Festival 1994.
Padre PadronePadre Padrone (1977)
4 stars (Very Good) An outstanding classic Italian film; one of the best. The first from the famous Taviani brothers. Recommended.
Even Cowgirls Get the BluesEven Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993)
1 star (Turkey) Complete rubbish, in my opinion! Dumb & stupid. Avoid. Wellington Film Festival 1994.
NakedNaked (1993)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) An outstanding performance by Thewlis worth seeing for that alone. It's tough, showing aspects of British life that you'll never see on TV. Outstandingly realistic and yet horrifying; it's an important film. Wellington Film Festival 1994.
Poster (F) $10.95
Bhaji On the BeachBhaji On the Beach (1993)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Humorous insight into the varied lives of ordinary South Asian women in Britain. A good illustration of how hateful & inappropriate today's anti–immigrant prejudice is. No other film like it – worth seeing. Wellington Film Festival 1994
Last Picture Show, TheLast Picture Show, The (1971)Aro Favourite
4 stars (Very Good) A very great b&w movie; one of the last. Remains forever in one's mind – a gentle but incisive portrait of a a place and time.
American GraffitiAmerican Graffiti (1973)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Seemed very funny back in 1973. Certainly a great soundtrack; worth watching to remember a lost, innocent world. Well, American innocence, of a sort!
DVD $24.95 $18.70
Heavenly CreaturesHeavenly Creatures (1994)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Extremely well acted. Great tension, capturing the distorted dreams of youth, but sensitively avoiding exaggerated interpretations. Yes, Jackson's best film – see it!
DVD $29.95 $20
TwistTwist (How Rock 'n' Roll Got its Soul) (1992)
4 stars (Very Good) Helpfully exposes a cause of the current obesity "epidemic"– lack of dancing and dance music Impressive performances by ordinary folk including the middle–aged performing Rock 'N Roll, the Twist, the Watusi etc is amusing, uplifting & sobering.

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