Subgenre Sampler
Politics & Documentary: 251 Films to Buy & Rent
- Going Upriver - The Long War for John Kerry (2004)
- Dir. George Butler
- Potent, if late–in–the–day study of unsuccessful 2004 US Presidential nominee John Kerry and his Vietnam War experiences.
- How Arnie Won the West (2004)
- Dir. Alex Cooke
Feat. Arnold Schwarzenegger
- A beguiling account of Arnold Schwarzenegger's transformation from Hollywood star into Republican Governor of California, through a 2004 state recall…
- Hunting Of The President, The (2004)
- Dir. Nikolas Perry
- The amazing story of an attempted political lynching by rich right–wing supporters who never forgave the democrat's for their part in bringing…
- John Pilger's Stealing a Nation (2004)
- Dir. John Pilger
- Activist journalist John Pilger relates the alarming story of the deportation of all natives from Diego Garcia – a small island in the Indian…
- Letters to Ali (2004)
- Dir. Clara Law
- Devastating story of a 15–yr old Afghani boy refugee, 'detained' for several years in Australia under its harsh immigrant regime in a remote…
- Looking for Fidel (2004)
- Dir. Oliver Stone
- Oliver Stone revisits Fidel Castro – the subject of his 2003 documentary COMMANDANTE – in an effort to address some of more questionable social…
- Mondovino (2004)
- Dir. Jonathan Nossiter
- A sobering documentary about the effects of globalisation on the wine industry, which travels to various vineyards, villages and offices to quaff a…
- Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004)
- Dir. Robert Greenwald
- Hot off the press, and of scorching topicality in the run up to the 2004 American Elections, this cogent piece of agit–prop convincingly argues…
- Persona Non Grata (2004)
- Dir. Oliver Stone
- Dir. Stone's second documentary in a proposed trilogy about world leaders (after COMMANDANTE) has the frazzled American attempt to gain an interview…
- Peter, Paul and Mary - Carry it On (2004)
- Documentary about the New York folk music trio who "carried it on" from their socially–conscious forebearers like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger…